Accueil de Professeurs invités Douglas Capone & Linda Duguay au M.I.O
Le M.I.O a le plaisir de recevoir pendant quelques semaines Douglas Capone, Pr à University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA), et Linda Duguay, Présidente d’honneur de l’ASLO et Directrice du Sea Grant Program a University of Southern California. Vous trouverez ci-dessous leurs biographies.
N’hésitez pas à venir les rencontrer, ils sont au bâtiment Méditerranée RDC bureau N°26M047.
Tous deux sont en séjour sabbatique au M.I.O jusqu’au 24 octobre 2019 puis reviendront de mars à mai 2020. Doug a bénéficié de la campagne FIR-Chercheurs invités d’AMU. Nous leur souhaitons la bienvenue!
Biographie D.G. CAPONE – USC Los Angeles
Douglas G. Capone received his Ph.D. in Oceanography from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Miami (Fl) in 1978. He joined the faculty of the Marine Sciences Research Center of Stony Brook University (NY) in 1979 and the Center for Environmental Science of the University of Maryland in 1987. Since 1999, he has held the Wrigley Chair of Environmental Biology at the University of Southern California. From 2003-2006 he served as the Director of the graduate section of Marine & Environmental Biology (MEB) of the Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) of USC and since 2007 has been the Chair of BISC. Doug is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM), the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the Assoc. for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography, and the California Academy of Sciences. He served on the editorial board of Applied and Environmental Microbiology for over 10 years, is currently an editor for mBio, the online journal of the AAM and Aquatic Microbial Ecology. He is a member of Faculty of 1000. He received the Dupont Industrial Biosciences Award in Applied and Environmental Microbiology at the annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology in Boston in 2015.
His research focuses on the role and importance of marine microbes in major biogeochemical cycles, particularly those of nitrogen and carbon, from both the perspective of the fundamental ecology of these ecosystems and the physical, chemical and biotic factors controlling these cycles. Doug has studied diverse ecosystems including the tropical open ocean, coral reefs, mangroves, temperate estuaries, groundwater aquifers and Antarctic Dry Valleys and snows. He has participated in over 30 major oceanographic expeditions to the tropical Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific Oceans including to the Great Barrier Reef, over 10 as chief scientist. He has also conducted research at remote field stations in the Caribbean, Great Barrier Reef, and McMurdo and South Pole Stations of the US Polar Program.
Doug uses diverse approaches and technologies (e.g. of physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, geochemistry and remote sensing). He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals including Science and Nature. His research has been supported by NSF, NASA, NOAA, EPA and USGS (among others).
Professor Capone is a leading expert on the marine N cycle. He is called upon frequently to provide definitive overviews on the subject. He produced a still highly regarded edited volume on the marine nitrogen cycle (Nitrogen in the Marine Environment, 1983, Academic Press) and in 2008 published the updated second edition as lead Editor.
Professor Capone has taken a leadership role in national environmental research programs. He has also made a major contribution to the development of human resources in oceanography and environmental science. He has successfully mentored 12 M.S., 17 Ph.D. students and 17 Postdoctoral fellows as well as numerous undergraduates and high school students.
Biographie L. DUGUAY – USC Los Angeles
Linda Duguay received her PhD from the University of Miami in Biological Oceanography. She has held Research positions at the State University of NY at Stony Brook, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies and currently at the University of Southern California. She served as a program manager at the US National Science Foundation in Oceanography and Polar Programs. She is currently the Director of the USC Sea Grant Program – a Federal, State, University partnership which: 1. funds marine and ocean science research projects that address critical natural and social science problems, 2. supports formal and informal students and educational programs, and 3. provides advice and connects researchers and ocean/marine stakeholders. She is also the Director of Research for the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, an organized research institute whose mission “is to inspire global environmental solutions through frontier research and education” on both the USC main campus and at its Island campus on Santa Catalina Island.