Celine Quentin
There is 1 publications for the year 2021 :
High-Frequency radar measurements with CODARs in the region of Nice: improved calibration and performances
Authors : Guérin Charles-Antoine, Dumas Dylan, Molcard Anne, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Zakardjian Bruno, Gramoullé Anthony, Berta Maristella,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2020 :
Best Practices on High Frequency Radar Deployment and Operation for Ocean Current Measurement
Authors : Mantovani Carlo, Corgnati Lorenzo, Horstmann Jochen, Rubio Anna, Reyes Emma, Quentin Céline, Cosoli Simone, Asensio Jose Luis, Mader Julien, Griffa Annalisa,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2019 :
The multistatic oceanographic HF radar network in Toulon
Authors : Guérin Charles-Antoine, Dumas Dylan, Gramoulle Anthony, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Saillard Marc, Molcard A.,Read the publication -
Identification of eddy viscosity profile in the marine surface layer in transient wind conditions
Authors : Fraunie Philippe, Aldebert Clement, Bourras Denis, Devenon Jean-Luc, Sentchev Alexei, Pairaud I., R Fuchs, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Branger Hubert,Read the publication -
Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes and Upper-Ocean Currents During the TURBORADAR-TURBIDENT Experiments
Authors : Bourras Denis, Sentchev Alexei, Branger Hubert, Fuchs Rosalie, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe, Yohia Christophe, Christopher Luneau, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Devenon Jean-Luc,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2018 :
The European common data and metadata model for real-time High Frequency Radar surface current data
Authors : Corgnati Lorenzo, Mantovani Carlo, Rubio Anna, Reyes-Reyes Emma, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Cosoli Simone, Mader Julien, Griffa Annalisa,Read the publication -
Wind induced variability in the Northern Current (North-Western Mediterranean Sea) as depicted by a multi-platform observing system
Authors : Berta Maristella, Bellomo Lucio, Griffa Anna, Magaldi Marcello, Molcard A., Mantovani Carlo, Gasparini Gian Pietro, Marmain Julien, Vetrano Anna, Béguery Laurent, Borghini Mireno, Barbin Yves, Gaggelli Joel, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2017 :
Progress towards a french high frequency ocean surface wave radar network
Authors : Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Zakardjian Bruno, Marié Louis, Rubio A., Bennis Anne-Claire, Dumas Franck, Sentchev Alexei, Sicot Guillaume, Barbin Yves, Jousset S., Bonnat A., Mader Julien, Ourmieres Yann, Charria G., Tarot S., Mallarino Didier,Read the publication -
HF Radar Activity in European Coastal Seas: Next Steps toward a Pan-European HF Radar Network
Authors : Rubio Anna, Mader Julien, Corgnati Lorenzo, Mantovani Carlo, Griffa Annalisa, Novellino Antonio, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Wyatt Lucy, Schulz-Stellenfleth Johannes, Horstmann Jochen, Lorente Pablo, Zambianchi Enrico, Hartnett Michael, Fernandes Carlos, Zervakis Vassilis, Gorringe Patrick, Melet Angélique, Puillat Ingrid,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2015 :
Toward an integrated HF radar network in the Mediterranean Sea to improve search and rescue and oil spill response: the TOSCA project experience
Authors : Bellomo Lucio, Griffa A., Cosoli S., Falco P., Gerin R., Iermano I., Kalampokis A., Kokkini Z., Lana A., Magaldi M., Mamoutos I., Mantovani C., Marmain J., Potiris E., Sayol M., Barbin Yves, Berta M., Borghini M., Bussani A., Corgnati L., Dagneaux Q., Gaggelli J., Guterman P., Mallarino D., Mazzoldi A., Molcard A., Orfila A., Poulain M., Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Tintoré J., Uttieri M., Vetrano A., Zambianchi E., Zervakis V.,Read the publication -
Empirical Forecasting of HF-Radar Velocity Using Genetic Algorithms
Authors : Orfila Alejandro, Molcard A., Sayol Juan, Marmain Julien, Bellomo Lucio, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Barbin Yves,Read the publication -
STRING: A new drifter for HF radar validation
Authors : Rammou Anna-Maria, Zervakis Vassilis, Bellomo Lucio, Kokkini Zoi, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Mantovani Carlo, Kalampokis Alkiviadis,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2014 :
High Frequency Surface Wave Radar in the French Mediterranean Sea: an element of the Mediterranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment
Authors : Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Barbin Yves, Bellomo Lucio, Forget Philippe, Mallarino Didier, Marmain Julien, Molcard A., Zakardjian Bruno,Read the publication -
Courantologie de surface: un radio-phare sur la côte sud de Porquerolles
Authors : Barbin Yves, Bellomo Lucio, Forget Philippe, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2013 :
HF radar in French Mediterranean Sea: an element of MOOSE Mediterranean Ocean Observing System on Environment
Authors : Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Barbin Yves, Bellomo Lucio, Forget Philippe, Gagelli Joël, Grosdidier Samuel, Guérin Charles-Antoine, Guihou Karen, Marmain Julien, Molcard A., Zakardjian Bruno, Guterman Pascal, Bernardet Karim,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2011 :
FluxSAP 2010 experimental campaign over an heterogeneous urban zone, Part 1: heat and vapour flux assessment
Authors : Mestayer Patrice, Chancibault Katia, Lebouc Laurent, Letellier Laetitia, Mosini Marie-Laure, Rodriguez Fabrice, Rouaud Jean-Marc, Bagga Insaff, Calmet Isabelle, Fontanilles Guillaume, Gaudin Dominique, Lee Joon Ho, Piquet Thomas, Rosant Jean-Michel, Sabre Maeva, Tétard Yves, Brut Aurore, Selves Jean-Louis, Solignac Pierre-Adrien, Dayau Sylvia, Irvine Mark Rankin M. R., Lagouarde Jean-Pierre, Kassouk Zeneb, Launeau Patrick, Connan Olivier, Defenouillère Pauline, Goriaux Mathieu, Hebert Didier, Letellier Basile, Maro Denis, Najjar Georges, Nerry Françoise, Quentin Céline, Biron Romain, Cohard Jean-Martial, Galvez Jose, Klein Petra,Read the publication -
The FluxSAP 2010 hydroclimatological experimental campaign over an heterogeneous urban area
Authors : Mestayer Patrice, Bagga I., Calmet Isabelle, Fontanilles G., Gaudin Dominique, Lee J.H., Piquet Thibaud, Rosant Jean-Michel, Chancibault Katia, Lebouc Laurent, Letellier Laetitia, Mosini Marie-Laure, Rodriguez Fabrice, Rouaud Jean-Marc, Sabre Maeva, Tétard Yves, Brut Aurore, Selves Jean-Louis, Solignac Pierre-Adrien, Brunet Yves, Dayau Sylvia, Irvine Mark Rankin M. R., Lagouarde Jean-Pierre, Kassouk Zeineb, Launeau Patrick, Connan Olivier, Defenouillère Pauline, Goriaux Mathieu, Hebert Didier, Letellier B., Mario D., Najjar Georges, Nerry Françoise, Quentin Céline, Biron Romain, Cohard Jean-Martial, Galvez J., Klein P.,Read the publication -
Variations in Cn2 measured by LAS scintillometery over the city of Nantes during the FluxSAP 2010 measurement campaign
Authors : Irvin Mark, Lagouarde Jean-Pierre, Dayau S., Brut Aurore, Solignac Pierre-Adrien, Selves J-L, Cohard J-M, Najjar Georges, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Rodriguez Fabrice, Mestayer Patrick,Read the publication -
Variations in Cn2 measured by LAS scintillometery over the city of Nantes during the FluxSAP 2010 measurement campaign
Authors : Irvine Mark Rankin M. R., Lagouarde Jean-Pierre, Dayau Sylvia, Brut Aurore, Solignac Pierre-Adrien, Selves Jean-Louis, Cohard Jean-Martial, Najjar Georges, Quentin Céline, Rodriguez Fabrice, Mestayer Patrice,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2009 :
The CoRoT satellite in flight: description and performance
Authors : Auvergne M, Bodin P, Boisnard L, Buey J-T, Chaintreuil S, Epstein G, Jouret M, Lam-Trong T, Levacher P, Magnan A, Perez R, Plasson P, Plesseria J, Peter G, Steller M, Tiphène D, Baglin A, Agogué P, Appourchaux T, Barbet D, Beaufort T, Bellenger R, Berlin R, Bernardi P, Blouin D, Boumier P, Bonneau F, Briet R, Butler B, Cautain R, Chiavassa F, Costes V, Cuvilho J, Cunha-Parro V, de Oliveira Fialho F, Decaudin M, Defise J-M, Djalal S, Docclo A, Drummond R, Dupuis O, Exil G, Fauré C, Gaboriaud A, Gamet P, Gavalda P, Grolleau E, Gueguen L, Guivarc'H V, Guterman P, Hasiba J, Huntzinger G, Hustaix H, Imbert C, Jeanville G, Johlander B, Jorda L, Journoud P, Karioty F, Kerjean L, Lafond L, Lapeyrere V, Landiech P, Larqué T, Laudet P, Le Merrer J, Leporati L, Leruyet B, Levieuge B, Llebaria A, Martin L, Mazy E, Mesnager J-M, Michel J-P, Moalic J-P, Monjoin W, Naudet D, Neukirchner S, Nguyen-Kim K, Ollivier M, Orcesi J-L, Ottacher H, Oulali A, Parisot J, Perruchot S, Piacentino A, Pinheiro da Silva L, Platzer J, Pontet B, Pradines A, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Rohbeck U, Rolland G, Rollenhagen F, Romagnan R, Russ N, Samadi R, Schmidt R, Schwartz N, Sebbag I, Smit H, Sunter W, Tello M, Toulouse P, Ulmer B, Vandermarcq O, Vergnault E, Wallner R, Waultier G, Zanatta P,Read the publication -
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. VIII. CoRoT-7b: the first super-Earth with measured radius
Authors : Léger A., Rouan D., Schneider Jodi, Barge P., Fridlund M., Samuel B., Ollivier M., Guenther E., Deleuil M., Deeg H.J., Auvergne M., Alonso R., Aigrain S., Alapini A., Almenara J.M., Baglin A., Barbieri M., Bruntt H., Bordé Pascal, Bouchy F., Cabrera J., Catala C., Carone L., Carpano S., Csizmadia S., Dvorak R., Erikson A., Ferraz-Mello S., Foing B., Fressin F., Gandolfi D., Gillon M., Gondoin P., Grasset O., Guillot T., Hatzes A., Hébrard G., Jorda L., Lammer H., Llebaria A., Loeillet B., Mayor M., Mazeh T., Moutou C., Pätzold M., Pont F., Queloz D., Rauer H., Renner S., Samadi R., Shporer A., Sotin C., Tingley B., Wuchterl G., Adda M., Agogu P., Appourchaux T., Ballans H., Baron P., Beaufort T., Bellenger R., Berlin R., Bernardi P., Blouin D., Baudin F., Bodin P., Boisnard L., Boit L., Bonneau F., Borzeix S., Briet R., Buey J.T., Butler B., Cailleau D., Cautain R., Chabaud P.Y., Chaintreuil S., Chiavassa F., Costes V., Cuna Parrho V., de Oliveira Fialho F., Decaudin M., Defise J.M., Djalal S., Epstein G., Exil G.E., Fauré C., Fenouillet T., Gaboriaud A., Gallic A., Gamet P., Gavalda P., Grolleau E., Gruneisen R., Gueguen L., Guis V., Guivarc'H V., Guterman P., Hallouard D., Hasiba J., Heuripeau F., Huntzinger G., Hustaix H., Imad C., Imbert C., Johlander B., Jouret M., Journoud P., Karioty F., Kerjean L., Lafaille V., Lafond L., Lam-Trong T., Landiech P., Lapeyrere V., Larqué T., Laudet P., Lautier N., Lecann H., Lefevre L., Leruyet B., Levacher P., Magnan A., Mazy E., Mertens F., Mesnager J.M., Meunier J.C., Michel J.P., Monjoin W., Naudet D., Nguyen-Kim K., Orcesi J.L., Ottacher H., Perez R., Peter G., Plasson P., Plesseria J.Y., Pontet B., Pradines A., Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Reynaud J.L., Rolland G., Rollenhagen F., Romagnan R., Russ N., Schmidt R., Schwartz N., Sebbag I., Sedes G., Smit H., Steller M.B., Sunter W.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2006 :
Software Applications for Oversampling of Transit Candidates
Authors : Quentin C.~g., Barge P., Cautain R., Meunier J.-C., Moutou C., Savalle R., Surace C.,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2005 :
Improving transit detection with collective light curves information
Authors : Guterman P., Barge P., Llebaria A., Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle,Read the publication -
Detection of Transit Events during CoRoT Operations
Authors : Quentin Celine, Cautain Raphael, Barge Pierre,Read the publication -
Directional spectra from real-aperture radars.
Authors : Hauser Danièle, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle,Read the publication -
Land surface temperature retrieval techniques and applications : Case of the AVHRR.
Authors : Lefèvre J.-M., Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Hauser Danièle,Read the publication -
Measuring and Analysing the directional spectrum of ocean waves
Authors : Barstow Stephen F., Bidlot Jean-Raymond, Caires Sofia, Donelan Mark A., Drennan William M., Dupuis Hélène, Graber Hans C., Green J. Jim, Gronlie Oistein, Guérin Christine, Gurgel Klaus-Werner, Günther Heinz, Hauser Danièle, Hayes Kenneth, Hessner Katrin, Hoja Danielle, Icard Delphine, Kahma Kimmo K., Keller William C., Krogstad Harald E., Lefèvre Jean-Michel, Lehner Susanne, Magnusson Anne Karin, Monbaliu Jaak, Nieto Borge Jose Carlos, Pettersson Heidi, Plant William J., Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Reichert Konstanze, Reistad Magnar, Rosenthal Wolfgang, Saetra Oyvind, Schulz-Stellenfleth Johannes, Walsh Edward J., Weill Alain, Wolf Judith, Wright C. Wayne, Wyatt Lucy R.,Read the publication -
Comparison of airborne radar and buoy data
Authors : Hauser Danièle, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Kahma Kimmo K., Pettersson Heidi, Drennan William, Graber H.C.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2003 :
Directional wave measurements from three wave sensors during the FETCH experiment
Authors : Pettersson Heidi, Graber Hans C., Hauser Danièle, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle, Kahma Kimmo K., Drennan William M., Donelan Mark A.,Read the publication -
On the wave age dependence of wind stress over pure wind seas
Authors : Drennan William M., Graber Hans C., Hauser Danièle, Quentin Céline Gwenaëlle,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2002 :
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