Transfer of Metallic trace elements by Dissolved Organic Matter to the ocean : contribution of mangRove
Responsible : DUPOUY Cécile (MIO-IRD)
Participants : MOUNIER Stéphane (MIO), OURSEL Benjamin (MIO), TEDETTI Marc (MIO), JUILLOT Farid (IMPMPC), JAMET Léocadie (IMAGO/LAMA), LEMONNIER Hugues (IFREMER), GUNKEL-GRILLON Peggy (UNC), BOHER Laura (M2), BESSARD Marie (M2)
The TREMOR project (2018-2021) is funded by CRESICA. The principal objective is to measure the contribution of the mangrove to the export of trace metallic elements complexed with CDOM to the lagoon of KONE, Northern Province of New Caledonia (site of nickel mining extraction) by using 3D spectrofluorescence and quenching experiments
Research Axes concerned : AR3 sources, transfert mecanisms, transformation of OM, of metallic contaminants at the interface atmosphere/water/plankton.
Description : During the first year of this project, ( two transects of sampling were realised in high-water period, first in Témala river (considered as reference site) and second in Coco river probably impacted by the metal contamination due to its proximity with processing factory of Nickel. The concentrations of metals were obtained by ICP-Q-MS and the FDOM composition by method of fluorescence spectroscopy. The distribution of the complexation constants of fluorophore (Ks) was followed along river-mangrove-lagoon continuum through a quenching experiment series.
During the second and third year, the tide effect on the complexation will be studied by using automatic samplers placed in aval and amont of the mangrove forest.
Boher, L., Mounier, S., Juillot, F., Jamet, L., Dupouy, C., 2018. Saltmarsh organic matter fluorescence and metal interaction, Speed talk WOMS 2018, Carqueiranne, octobre 2018.
Boher, L., 2018. Analyse par quenching de fluorescence de la complexation des ETM par la MOD fluorescente le long d’un gradient rivière-mangrove-lagon à Koné (Province Nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie). Rapport M2 Univ. Brest, 30 pp.