Cristele Chevalier
There are 3 publications for the year 2024 :
Influence of the Rhone River intrusion on microplastic distribution in the Bay of Marseille
Authors : Alcaïno A., Vidal L., Licari Laetitia, Paillès Christine, Conrod Sandrine, Dauvier J., Chevalier Cristele, Pinazo Christel, Grelaud M., Ziveri P.,Read the publication -
Effects of physical forcing on short-term plankton dynamics in a narrow coral reef lagoon (Ouano, New Caledonia) : a two-week high-frequency study
Authors : Rodier Martine, Pagano Marc, Lhomond L., Pericaud J.B., Guilloux L., Devenon J. L., Chevalier Cristele,Read the publication -
A New Method for the Detection of Siliceous Microfossils on Sediment Microscope Slides Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors : Godbillot Camille, Marchant Ross, Beaufort Luc, Leblanc Karine, Gally Yves, Le Thang D Q, Chevalier Cristele, de Garidel‐thoron Thibault,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2023 :
Water column distribution of zooplanktonic size classes derived from in-situ plankton profilers: Potential use to contextualize contaminant loads in plankton
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Pagano Marc, Basedow Sünnje Linnéa, Chevalier Cristele, Malengros Denis, Carlotti François,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2022 :
Sargassum observations from MODIS: using aggregations context to filter false detections
Authors : Podlejski Witold, Descloitres Jacques, Chevalier Cristele, Minghelli Audrey, Lett Christophe, Berline Léo,Read the publication -
Mass flows, turbidity currents and other hydrodynamic consequences of small and moderate earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara
Authors : Henry Pierre, Sinan Özeren M., Yakupoğlu Nurettin, Çakir Ziyadin, de Saint-Léger Emmanuel, Desprez de Gésincourt Olivier, Tengberg Anders, Chevalier Cristele, Papoutsellis Christos, Postacıoğlu Nazmi, Dogan Uğur, Karabulut Hayrullah, Uçarkuş Gülsen, Namık Çağatay M.,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2021 :
Revisited Estimation of Moderate Resolution Sargassum Fractional Coverage Using Decametric Satellite Data (S2-MSI)
Authors : Descloitres Jacques, Minghelli Audrey, Steinmetz François, Chevalier Cristele, Chami Malik, Berline Léo,Read the publication -
Distribution of zooplankton in relation to hydrodynamics and environmental factors in a coral reef lagoon under mining activities (New Caledonia)
Authors : Roy Hadrien, Renaux Juliette, Rodier Martine, Pagano Marc, Varillon David, Guilloux L., Arfi Robert, Chevalier C.,Read the publication -
A NEMO-based model of Sargassum distribution in the tropical Atlantic: description of the model and sensitivity analysis (NEMO-Sarg1.0)
Authors : Jouanno Julien, Benshila Rachid, Berline Léo, Soulié Antonin, Radenac Marie-Hélène, Morvan Guillaume, Diaz Frédéric, Sheinbaum Julio, Chevalier Cristele, Thibaut Thierry, Changeux Thomas, Ménard Frédéric, Berthet Sarah, Aumont Olivier, Éthé Christian, Nabat Pierre, Mallet Marc,Read the publication -
Population Genomics and Lagrangian Modeling Shed Light on Dispersal Events in the Mediterranean Endemic Ericaria zosteroides (=Cystoseira zosteroides) (Fucales)
Authors : Reynes Lauric, Aurelle Didier, Chevalier Cristele, Pinazo Christel, Valero Myriam, Mauger Stéphane, Sartoretto Stéphane, Blanfuné A., Ruitton Sandrine, Boudouresque Charles F., Verlaque Marc, Thibaut Thierry,Read the publication -
Synergy between Low Earth Orbit (LEO)—MODIS and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)—GOES Sensors for Sargassum Monitoring in the Atlantic Ocean
Authors : Minghelli Audrey, Chevalier Cristele, Descloitres Jacques, Berline L., Blanc Philippe, Chami Malik,Read the publication -
Zooplankton abundance and community structure driven by tidal currents in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Boughrara, Tunisia, SW Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Makhlouf Belkahia Nouha, Pagano Marc, Chevalier Cristele, Devenon Jean-Luc, Daly Yahia Mohamed Néjib,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2020 :
Identifying lateral boundary conditions for the M2 tide in a coastal model using a stochastic gradient descent algorithm
Authors : Koenig Guillaume, Aldebert Clement, Chevalier Cristele, Devenon Jean-Luc,Read the publication -
In situ observations and modelling revealed environmental factors favouring occurrence of Vibrio in microbiome of the pelagic Sargassum responsible for strandings
Authors : Michotey Valerie, Blanfuné Aurelie, Chevalier Cristele, Garel Marc, Diaz Frédéric, Berline Léo, Le Grand Louis, Armougom Fabrice, Guasco Sophie, Ruitton Sandrine, Changeux T., Belloni Bruno, Blanchot Jean, Ménard Frédéric, Thibaut Thierry,Read the publication -
Microplastics in surface waters of the Gulf of Gabes, southern Mediterranean Sea: Distribution, composition and influence of hydrodynamics
Authors : Zayen Amal, Sayadi Sami, Chevalier Cristele, Boukthir Moncef, Ben Ismail Sana, Tedetti Marc,Read the publication -
Oil spill response in mangroves: why a specific ecosystem-based management is required? The case of French Guiana – a mini-review
Authors : Cuny Philippe, Jezequel Ronan, Michaud Emma, Sylvi Léa, Gilbert Franck, Fiard Maud, Chevalier C., Morel Valérie, Militon Cécile,Read the publication -
Hindcasting the 2017 dispersal of Sargassum algae in the Tropical North Atlantic
Authors : Berline L., Ody Anouck, Jouanno Julien, Chevalier Cristele, André Jean-Michel, Thibaut Thierry, Ménard Frédéric,Read the publication -
Refugia area for the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz 1865 in the Berre Lagoon (southeast France): The key to its persistence
Authors : Marchessaux Guillaume, Faure Vincent, Chevalier Cristele, Thibault Delphine,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2019 :
From In Situ to satellite observations of pelagic Sargassum distribution and aggregation in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean
Authors : Ody Anouck, Thibaut Thierry, Berline L., Changeux T., André Jean-Michel, Chevalier Cristele, Blanfuné Aurelie, Blanchot Jean, Ruitton Sandrine, Stiger-Pouvreau Valérie, Connan Solène, Grelet Jacques, Aurelle D., Guéné Mathilde, Bataille Hubert, Bachelier Celine, Guillemain Dorian, Schmidt Natascha, Fauvelle Vincent, Guasco Sophie, Ménard Frédéric,Read the publication -
Wave transformation over a barrier reef
Authors : Sous Damien, Tissier Marion, Rey Vincent, Touboul Julien, Bouchette Frederic, Devenon Jean-Luc, Chevalier Cristele, Aucan Jerome,Read the publication -
Synthesis review of the Gulf of Gabes (eastern Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia): Morphological, climatic, physical oceanographic, biogeochemical and fisheries features
Authors : Béjaoui Béchir, Ben Ismail Sana, Othmani Achref, Ben Abdallah-Ben Hadj Hamida Olfa, Chevalier Cristele, Feki-Sahnoun Wafa, Harzallah Ali, Ben Hadj Hamida Nader, Bouaziz Riadh, Dahech Salem, Diaz Frederic, Tounsi Khouthir, Sammari Chérif, Pagano Marc, Bel Hassen Malika,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2018 :
The same but different: stable isotopes reveal two distinguishable, yet similar, neighbouring food chains in a coral reef
Authors : Lebourg Baptiste, Letourneur Yves, Bănaru Daniela, Blanchot Jean, Chevalier Cristele, Mou-Tham Gérard, Lebreton Benoit, Pagano M.,Read the publication -
Water Masses Exchanges Within Boughrara Lagoon-Gulf of Gabes System (Southeastern Tunisia)
Authors : Ben Ismail Sana, Chevalier Cristele, Atoui Abdelfatteh, Devenon Jean-Luc, Sammari Chérif, Pagano Marc,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2017 :
The atypical hydrodynamics of the Mayotte Lagoon (Indian Ocean): Effects on water age and potential impact on plankton productivity
Authors : Chevalier Cristele, Devenon J.L., Pagano Marc, Rougier G., Blanchot J., Arfi Robert,Read the publication -
Circulation patterns in a channel reef-lagoon system, Ouano lagoon, New Caledonia
Authors : Sous Damien, Chevalier Cristele, Devenon Jean-Luc, Blanchot Jean, Pagano Marc,Read the publication -
Authors : Locatelli Fabien, Sous Damien, Rey Vincent, Chevalier Cristele, Bouchette Frederic, Touboul Julien, Devenon Jean-Luc,Read the publication -
High-resolution numerical modelling of the barotropic tides in the Gulf of Gabes, eastern Mediterranean Sea (Tunisia)
Authors : Othmani Achref, Béjaoui Béchir, Chevalier Cristele, Elhmaidi Dalila, Devenon Jean-Luc, Aleya Lotfi,Read the publication -
Effects of physical forcing on COastal ZOoplankton community structure: study of the unusual case of a MEDiterranean ecosystem under strong tidal influence (Project COZOMED-MERMEX).
Authors : Pagano Marc, Arfi Robert, Atoui A., Ayadi H., Bejaoui B., Bhairy Nagib, Barraj N., Belhassen Malika, Benismail S., Benkacem M.y, Blanchot Jean, Čanković Milan, Carlotti Francois, Chevalier Cristele, Ciglenecki-Jusic I., Couet D., Daly Yahia Mohamed Néjib, Dammak L., Devenon Jean-Luc, Drira Zaher, Hamza A., Kmia S., Makhlouf N., Mahfoudi Mohamed, Moncef M., Sammari Cherif, Smeti Houssem, Zouari Amel,Read the publication -
3D modeling of phytoplankton seasonal variation and nutrient budget in a southern Mediterranean Lagoon
Authors : Béjaoui Béchir, Solidoro Cosimo, Harzallah Ali, Chevalier Cristele, Chapelle Annie, Zaaboub Noureddine, Aleya Lotfi,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2015 :
Impact of cross-reef water fluxes on lagoon dynamics: a simple parameterization for coral lagoon circulation model, with application to the Ouano Lagoon, New Caledonia
Authors : Chevalier Cristele, Sous Damien, Devenon Jean Luc, Pagano Marc, Rougier Gilles, Blanchot Jean,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2014 :
Field study of cross-reef dynamics above the Ouano coral barrier, New Caledonia, France
Authors : Sous Damien, Aucan Jerôme, Blanchot Jean, Devenon Jean Luc, Pagano Marc, Rey Vincent, Rougier Gilles, Chevalier Cristele,Read the publication -
Effects of the sandbar breaching on hydrobiological parameters and zooplankton communities in the Senegal River Estuary (West Africa)
Authors : Champalbert Gisele, Pagano Marc, Arfi Robert, Chevalier Cristele,Read the publication -
The salinity responses of tropical estuaries to changes in freshwater discharge, tidal mixing and geomorphology: case study of the man-affected Senegal River Estuary (West Africa)
Authors : Chevalier Cristele, Pagano Marc, Corbin Daniel, Arfi Robert,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2011 :
Assessment of aortic stiffness by local and regional methods
Authors : Collette Mathieu, Humeau Anne, Chevalier C., Hamel J.-F., Leftheriotis G.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2009 :
Évaluation de la rigidité locale aortique par technique d'impédance bioélectrique
Authors : Collette Mathieu, Humeau Anne, Chevalier C., Leftheriotis G.,Read the publication
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