Francois Carlotti
There are 5 publications for the year 2024 :
First release of the Pelagic Size Structure database: global datasets of marine size spectra obtained from plankton imaging devices
Authors : Dugenne Mathilde, Corrales-Ugalde Marco, Luo Jessica, Kiko Rainer, O'Brien Todd, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Lombard Fabien, Stemmann Lars, Stock Charles, Anderson Clarissa, Babin Marcel, Bhairy Nagib, Bonnet Sophie, Carlotti Francois, Cornils Astrid, Crockford E. Taylor, Daniel Patrick, Desnos Corinne, Drago Laetitia, Elineau Amanda, Fischer Alexis, Grandrémy Nina, Grondin Pierre-Luc, Guidi Lionel, Guieu Cécile, Hauss Helena, Hayashi Kendra, Huggett Jenny, Jalabert Laetitia, Karp-Boss Lee, Kenitz Kasia, Kudela Raphael, Lescot Magali, Marec Claudie, Mcdonnell Andrew, Mériguet Zoe, Niehoff Barbara, Noyon Margaux, Panaïotis Thelma, Peacock Emily, Picheral Marc, Riquier Emilie, Roesler Collin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Sosik Heidi, Spencer Gretchen, Taucher Jan, Tilliette Chloé, Vilain Marion,Read the publication -
The decadal variability of elemental, isotopic, and biochemical compositions of coastal Mediterranean zooplankton responds to environmental changes
Authors : Garcia Théo, Carlotti François, Lepoint Gilles, Guilloux Loïc, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Grassi Baptiste, Russias Victor, Bănaru Daniela,Read the publication -
Community composition, functional traits, and trophic structure of zooplankton size fractions across an oligotrophic eutrophic gradient.
Authors : Hunt Brian P.V., Carlotti François, Pakhomov Evgeny A,Read the publication -
Estimating how vertically migrating zooplankton impact epipelagic communities with mesocosm experiments
Authors : Della Penna Alice, Grégori Gérald, Ohman Mark D., Guilloux Loic, Didry Morgane, Doglioli Andrea M., Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Biological applications of the satellite Surface Water and Ocean Topography in the Mediterranean
Authors : Doglioli Andrea M., Grégori Gérald, d'Ovidio Francesco, Bosse Anthony, Pulido-Villena Elvira, Carlotti François, Lescot Magali, Aude Barani, Barrillon S., Berline L., Berta Maristella, Bouruet-Aubertot Pascale, Laure Chirurgien, Comby Caroline, Cornet Veronique, Cotté Cédric, Della Penna Alice, Didry Morgane, Duhamel Solange, Fuda Jean-Luc, Gastauer Sven, Guilloux Loic, Lefèvre Dominique, Le Merle Eva, Martin Adrien, Mccann David, Menna Milena, Helias Nunige Sandra, Oms Laurina, Pacciaroni M., Petrenko Anne, Rolland Robin, Rousselet Louise, Waggoner Emily,Read the publication
There are 11 publications for the year 2023 :
Microplastics in the maximum chlorophyll layer along a north-south transect in the Mediterranean Sea in comparison with zooplankton concentrations
Authors : Carlotti François, Gérigny Olivia, Bienvenu Dorian, Ravel Christophe, Fierro-González Pamela, Guilloux Loïc, Makhlouf Nouha, Onrubia Javier Tesán, Pagano Marc,Read the publication -
Water column distribution of zooplanktonic size classes derived from in-situ plankton profilers: Potential use to contextualize contaminant loads in plankton
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Pagano Marc, Basedow Sünnje Linnéa, Chevalier Cristele, Malengros Denis, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Temporal changes in zooplankton indicators highlight a bottom-up process in the Bay of Marseille (NW
Authors : Garcia Théo, Banaru Daniela, Guilloux Loïc, Cornet Véronique, Gregori Gérald, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Isotopic and biochemical trophic markers reveal the complexity of interactions at the base of pelagic food webs (Mediterranean sea).
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Carlotti François, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Letourneur Yves, Savoye Nicolas, Guillou Gaël, Lebreton Benoit, Tesán-Onrubia Javier, Barani Aude, Cornet Véronique, Guilloux Loïc, Esposito Anaïs, Ré Christian, Bănaru Daniela,Read the publication -
Bioconcentration, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury in plankton of the Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Dufour Aurélie, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, García-Arévalo Isabel, Knoery Joël, Thomas Bastien, Carlotti François, Tedetti Marc, Bănaru Daniela,Read the publication -
Hydrocarbons in size-fractionated plankton of the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign)
Authors : Guigue Catherine, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Guyomarc'H Léa, Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti François, Pagano Marc, Chifflet Sandrine, Malengros Deny, Chouba Lassaad, Tronczynski Jacek, Tedetti Marc,Read the publication -
Three major mesoplanktonic communities resolved by in situ imaging in the upper 500 m of the global ocean
Authors : Panaïotis Thelma, Babin Marcel, Biard Tristan, Carlotti François, Coppola Laurent, Guidi Lionel, Hauss Helena, Karp-Boss Lee, Kiko Rainer, Lombard Fabien, Mcdonnell Andrew Mp, Picheral Marc, Rogge Andreas, Waite Anya M, Stemmann Lars, Irisson Jean‐olivier,Read the publication -
Zooplankton biomass, size structure, and associated metabolic fluxes with focus on its roles at the chlorophyll maximum layer during the plankton-contaminant MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE cruise
Authors : Fierro-González Pamela, Pagano Marc, Guilloux Loïc, Makhlouf Nouha, Tedetti Marc, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Contamination of planktonic food webs in the Mediterranean Sea: Setting the frame for the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE oceanographic cruise (spring 2019)
Authors : Tedetti Marc, Tronczynski Jacek, Carlotti François, Pagano Marc, Ismail Sana Ben, Sammari Cherif, Hassen Malika Bel, Desboeufs Karine, Poindron Charlotte, Zouari Amel Bellaaj, Abdennadher Moufida, Amri Sirine, Bănaru Daniela, Abdallah Lotfi Ben, Bhairy Nagib, Boudriga Ismail, Bourin Aude, Brach-Papa Christophe, Briant Nicolas, Cabrol Léa, Chevalier Cristele, Chifflet Sandrine, Chouba Lassaad, Coudray Sylvain, Yahia Mohamed Nejib Daly, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Dufour Aurélie, Dutay Jean-Claude, Espinasse Boris, Fierro-González Pamela, Fornier Michel, Garcia Nicole, Jacquet Stéphanie, Guigue Catherine, Giner Franck, Guilloux Loic, Hamza Asma, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Knoery Joel, Lajnef Rim, Belkahia Nouha Makhlouf, Malengros Deny, Martinot Pauline, Bosse Anthony, Mazur Jean-Charles, Meddeb Marouan, Misson Benjamin, Pringault Olivier, Quemeneur Marianne, Radakovitch Olivier, Raimbault Patrick, Ravel Christophe, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Rossi Vincent, Thomas Bastien, Rwawi Chaimaa, Hlaili Asma Sakka, Thyssen Melilotus, Zaaboub Noureddine,Read the publication -
Spatial variations of biochemical content and stable isotope ratios of size-fractionated plankton in the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign)
Authors : Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Tedetti Marc, Carlotti François, Tenaille Melissa, Guilloux Loic, Pagano Marc, Lebreton Benoit, Guillou Gaël, Fierro-González Pamela, Guigue Catherine, Chifflet Sandrine, Garcia Théo, Boudriga Ismail, Belhassen Malika, Zouari Amel Bellaaj, Bănaru Daniela, Tedetti Marc,Read the publication -
Investigation of dynamic change in microplastics vertical distribution patterns: The seasonal effect on vertical distribution
Authors : Chevalier Cristele, Vandenberghe Marine, Pagano Marc, Pellet Ian, Pinazo Christel, Tesán Onrubia Javier, Guilloux Loïc, Carlotti François,Read the publication
There are 7 publications for the year 2022 :
Isotopic compositions of copper and zinc in plankton from the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign): Tracing trophic transfer and geogenic inputs
Authors : Chifflet Sandrine, Briant Nicolas, Freydier Rémi, Araùjo Daniel, Quéméneur Marianne, Zouch Hana, Bellaaj-Zouari Amel, Carlotti François, Tedetti Marc,Read the publication -
A global marine particle size distribution dataset obtained with the Underwater Vision Profiler 5
Authors : Kiko Rainer, Picheral Marc, Antoine David, Babin Marcel, Berline Léo, Biard Tristan, Boss Emmanuel, Brandt Peter, Carlotti François, Christiansen Svenja, Coppola Laurent, de la Cruz Leandro, Diamond-Riquier Emilie, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, Elineau Amanda, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Hauss Helena, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Karp-Boss Lee, Karstensen Johannes, Kim Dong-Gyun, Lekanoff Rachel, Lombard Fabien, Lopes Rubens, Marec Claudie, Mcdonnell Andrew, Niemeyer Daniela, Noyon Margaux, O'Daly Stephanie, Ohman Mark, Pretty Jessica, Rogge Andreas, Searson Sarah, Shibata Masashi, Tanaka Yuji, Tanhua Toste, Taucher Jan, Trudnowska Emilia, Turner Jessica, Waite Anya, Stemmann Lars,Read the publication -
Diet and trophic interactions of Mediterranean planktivorous fishes
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Carlotti François, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Lebreton Benoit, Guillou Gaël, Vassallo Laura, Le Bihan Marjorie, Bănaru Daniela,Read the publication -
Global Distribution of Zooplankton Biomass Estimated by In Situ Imaging and Machine Learning
Authors : Drago Laetitia, Panaïotis Thelma, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Babin Marcel, Biard Tristan, Carlotti François, Coppola Laurent, Guidi Lionel, Hauss Helena, Karp-Boss Lee, Lombard Fabien, Mcdonnell Andrew M P, Picheral Marc, Rogge Andreas, Waite Anya M, Stemmann Lars, Kiko Rainer,Read the publication -
Mesozooplankton variability in the Bay of Marseille (NW Mediterranean): towards understanding the trophic context of small pelagics
Authors : Garcia Théo, Bănaru Daniela, Guilloux Loïc, Cornet Véronique, Gregori Gérald, Peraud Manon, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Comparative zooplankton structure and functioning in epipelagic layers of different Mediterranean regions during the Hippocampe cruise
Authors : Fierro-González Pamela, Pagano Marc, Guilloux Loic, Nouha Makhlouf, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean
Authors : Aurelle Didier, Thomas Séverine, Albert Cécile H., Bally Marc, Bondeau Alberte, Boudouresque Charles-François, Cahill Abigail E., Carlotti François, Chenuil Anne, Cramer Wolfgang, Davi Hendrik, Jode Aurélien De, Ereskovsky Alexander, Farnet da Silva Anne Marie, Fernandez Catherine, Gauquelin Thierry, Mirleau Pascal, Monnet Anne-Christine, Prévosto Bernard, Rossi Vincent, Sartoretto Stéphane, van Wambeke France, Fady Bruno,Read the publication
There are 8 publications for the year 2021 :
Long distance particle transport to the central Ionian Sea
Authors : Berline Léo, Doglioli Andrea M., Petrenko Anne, Barrillon Stéphanie, Espinasse Boris, Le Moigne Frédéric A.C., Simon-Bot François, Thyssen Melilotus, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Relations entre diversité et spectres de tailles d’une communauté zooplanctonique d’un écosystème côtier de Méditerranée Nord-Ouest
Authors : Drouet Flora, Jamet Dominique, Brach-Papa Christophe, Carlotti François, Bănaru D., Jamet Jean-Louis,Read the publication -
Tendances environnementales et variabilité interannuelle du zooplancton en baie de Marseille (NO Méditerranée)
Authors : Garcia Théo, Bănaru Daniela, Cornet Veronique, Guilloux Loic, Peraud Manon, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Temporal variation in prey selection by adult European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the NW Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Carlotti François, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Guilloux L., Bănaru D.,Read the publication -
A decade of observations and achievements of the MOOSE observatory in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Bosse Anthony, Coppola Laurent, Testor Pierre, Aubert Dominique, Carlotti Francois, Conan Pascal, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, d'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Ludwig Wolfgang, Mortier Laurent, Raimbault Patrick,Read the publication -
Particle transport in the central Ionian Sea
Authors : Berline L., Doglioli Andrea M., Petrenko Anne, Barrillon Stéphanie, Espinasse Boris, Le Moigne Frédéric A.C., Simon-Bot François, Thyssen Melilotus, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Authors : Drago T.Panaïotis, Irisson J.O., Babin M., Biard T., Carlotti F., Coppola L., Guidi L, Hauss H., Karp-Boss L., Lombard F., Mcdonnell A., Picheral M., Rogge A., Waite A., Kiko R., Stemmann L.,Read the publication -
A global marine particle size distribution dataset obtained with the Underwater Vision Profiler 5
Authors : Kiko R., Picheral M., Antoine David, Babin Marcel, Berline Léo, Biard Tristan, Boss Emmanuel, Brandt Peter, Carlotti François, Christiansen Svenja, Coppola Laurent, Cruz Leandro de La, Diamond-Riquier Emilie, Madron Xavier Durrieu De, Elineau Amanda, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Hauss Helena, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Karp-Boss Lee, Karstensen Johannes,Read the publication
There are 13 publications for the year 2020 :
High variability in temporal prey selectivity by Sardina pilchardus adults in the Bay of Marseille (North-Western Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Carlotti Francois, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Guilloux Loic, Bănaru Daniela,Read the publication -
Saharan dust inputs stimulate Mediterranean zooplankton
Authors : Feliú Guillermo, Pagano Marc, Hidalgo Pamela, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Plankton: biological PUMP of CONTAMinants in marine ecosystems (CONTAMPUMP)? A new ambitious research ANR project in the Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti Francois, Tedetti Marc, Pagano Marc, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Al. Et,Read the publication -
Le projet MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE : Etude de l'accumulation et du transfert des contaminants au sein des 1ers maillons de la chaîne trophique pélagique (plancton) en Méditerranée
Authors : Tedetti Marc, Tronczynski Jacek, Pagano Marc, Carlotti Francois, Al. Et,Read the publication -
Trophic transfer of POPs in plankton and small pelagic fish in the western mediterranean and adriatic sea
Authors : Tronczynski Jacek, Carlotti Francois, Vorkamp K., Kuspilic G.,Read the publication -
Structure and function of epipelagic mesozooplankton and their response to dust deposition events during the spring PEACETIME cruise in the Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Feliú Guillermo, Pagano Marc, Hidalgo Pamela, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Structure and functioning of epipelagic mesozooplankton and response to dust events during the spring PEACETIME cruisein the Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Feliú Guillermo, Pagano Marc, Hidalgo Pamela, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Combining remote sensing and in situ observations to study the physical-biological coupling at fine scale: recent Mediterranean campaigns and outlook
Authors : Doglioli Andrea M., Grégori Gérald, d'Ovidio Francesco, Petrenko Anne, Barrillon Stéphanie, Fuda Jean-Luc, Thyssen Melilotus, Tzortzis Roxane, Izard Lloyd, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Pascual Ananda, Marrec Pierre, Rousselet Louise, Bhairy Nagib, Cyr Frédéric, Tedetti Marc, Berline Léo, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Gulf of Lions: the contribution of ecosystem knowledge to the Ecosystem-Based Management of Fisheries
Authors : Bӑnaru Daniela, Diaz Frédéric, Carlotti Francois, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Boudouresque C. F.,Read the publication -
Improving the management of Hyères saltmarshes (Provence, France) using an ecosystem-based approach
Authors : Astruch Patrick, Boudouresque C. F., Faget Daniel, Changeux T., Lascève Matthieu, Ledireach Laurence, Gimond-Lanteri F., Massinelli L., Moussy Francoise, Angles N., Marchessaux Guillaume, Carlotti Francois, Guilloux Loic, Gomez M.C., Simo M.,Read the publication -
Typology of Plankton Communities seen by In Situ Imaging, from the Epi to the Mesopelagic Layers of the Global Ocean.
Authors : Panaiotis T., Babin M., Biard T., Carlotti F., Coppola L., Guidi L, Hauss H., Karp-Boss L., Kiko R., Lombard F., Mcdonnell A.M.P., Picheral M., Rogge A., Waite A.M., Irisson J.O., Stemmann L.,Read the publication -
Improving the management of the saltmarshes of Hyeres (Provence, France) using an ecosystem-based approach
Authors : Astruch P., Boudouresque Charles F., Faget D., Changeux T., Lasceve M., Direach L. Le, Gimondlanteri F., Massinelli L., Moussy F., D’ortoli N. Angles, Marchessaux Guillaume, Carlotti F, Belloni B., Guilloux L., Gomez M.C., Simo M.,Read the publication -
The Management of Mediterranean Coastal Habitats: A Plea for a Socio-ecosystem-Based Approach
Authors : Boudouresque Charles-François, Astruch Patrick, Bănaru Daniela, Blanchot Jean, Blanfuné Aurelie, Carlotti Francois, Changeux T., Faget Daniel, Goujard Adrien, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Le Diréach Laurence, Pagano Marc, Perret-Boudouresque Michèle, Pasqualini Vanina, Rouanet Elodie, Ruitton Sandrine, Sempere Richard, Thibault Delphine, Thibaut Thierry,Read the publication
There are 12 publications for the year 2019 :
Ecological gradients as an evolutionary opportunity for Mediterranean biodiversity
Authors : Fady Bruno, Bally Marc, Bondeau Alberte, Carlotti Francois, Chenuil Anne, Cramer Wolfgang, Féral Jean-Pierre, Gauquelin Thierry, Monnet Anne-Christine, Thomas Séverine, van Wambeke France, Aurelle D.,Read the publication -
Plankton as biological pump for contaminants in marine ecosystems: a trans-Mediterranean approach (MERITE HIPPOCAMPE cruise, April-Mai 2019)
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Tronczynski Jacek, Tedetti Marc, Pagano Marc, Garnier Cédric, Bănaru Daniela, Sammari Cherif, Belhassen Malika,Read the publication -
Diet and body condition temporal variations of the French Mediterranean sardines
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Bănaru Daniela, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Linkages between the Mermex program and OTMED
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Structure and functioning of epipelagic mesozooplankton in the Mediterranean Sea during spring PEACETIME cruise 2017
Authors : Feliú Guillermo, Carlotti Francois, Pagano Marc,Read the publication -
Plankton as biological pump for contaminants in marine ecosystems: a trans-mediterranean approach (MERITE HIPPOCAMPE cruise, April-Mai 2019)
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Tronczynski Jacek, Tedetti Marc, Pagano Marc, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Globally Consistent Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems
Authors : Lombard Fabien, Boss Emmanuel, Waite Anya M, Vogt Meike, Uitz Julia, Stemmann Lars, Sosik Heidi M, Schulz Jan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Picheral Marc, Pearlman Jay, Ohman Mark D., Niehoff Barbara, Möller Klas O, Miloslavich Patricia, Lara-Lpez Ana, Kudela Raphael, Lopes Rubens M, Kiko Rainer, Karp-Boss Lee, Jaffe Jules S, Iversen Morten H, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Fennel Katja, Hauss Helena, Guidi Lionel, Gorsky Gaby, Giering Sarah L C, Gaube Peter, Gallager Scott, Dubelaar George, Cowen Robert K, Carlotti Francois, Briseño-Avena Christian, Berline L., Benoit-Bird Kelly, Bax Nicholas, Batten Sonia, Ayata Sakina Dorothée, Artigas Luis Felipe, Appeltans Ward,Read the publication -
Vertical motions and their effects on a biogeochemical tracer in a cyclonic structure finely observed in the Ligurian Sea
Authors : Rousselet Louise, Doglioli A. M., de Verneil Alain, Pietri Alice, Della Penna Alice, Berline L., Marrec Pierre, Grégori Gérald, Thyssen Melilotus, Carlotti F, Barrillon S., Simon‐bot F., Bonal M., d'Ovidio Francesco, Petrenko Anne,Read the publication -
Biochemical composition and energy content of size-fractionated zooplankton east of the Kerguelen Islands
Authors : Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Bănaru Daniela, Dromard Charlotte R, Ourgaud Melanie, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Seasonal variation in biochemical and energy content of size-fractionated zooplankton in the Bay of Marseille (North-Western Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti Francois, Faucheux Morgane, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Main factors favoring Mnemiopsis leidyi individuals growth and population outbreaks: A modelling approach
Authors : Alekseenko Elena, Baklouti M., Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Plankton: Population Dynamics Models
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There are 10 publications for the year 2018 :
Do diet variations influence body condition of the French Mediterranean planktivorous teleosts?
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti François, Mialet Benoit, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Nitrogen and phosphorus recycling mediated by copepods and response of bacterioplankton community from three contrasting areas in the western tropical South Pacific (20° S)
Authors : Valdés Valentina, Carlotti Francois, Escribano Rubén, Donoso Katty, Pagano Marc, Molina Veronica, Fernandez Camila,Read the publication -
Is the European pilchard crisis in French Mediterranean related to their diet ?
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti François, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Climate change and the evolutionary challenge of Mediterranean biodiversity
Authors : Fady Bruno, Bally Marc, Bondeau Alberte, Carlotti Francois, Chenuil Anne, Cramer Wolfgang, Féral Jean-Pierre, Gauquelin Thierry, Monnet Anne-Christine, Thomas Séverine, van Wambeke France, Aurelle D.,Read the publication -
Le choix alimentaire des sardines
Authors : Chen Chia-Ting, Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Éléments traces métalliques et métalloïdes dans le plancton et les poissons planctonophages de la baie de Marseille
Authors : Bănaru Daniela, Losson Celia, Chen Chia-Ting, Carlotti Francois, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Conditions for assessing zooplankton abundance with LOPC in coastal waters
Authors : Espinasse B., Basedow S., Berline L., Schultes S., Zhou M., Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Modeling of PCB trophic transfer in the Gulf of Lions; 3D coupled model application
Authors : Alekseenko Elena, Thouvenin B., Tronczyński J., Carlotti F, Garreau P., Tixier C., Baklouti M,Read the publication -
Combining laser diffraction, flow cytometry and optical microscopy to characterize a nanophytoplankton bloom in the Northwestern Mediterranean
Authors : Leroux R., Grégori Gérald, Carlotti F, Leblanc Karine, Thyssen Melilotus, Dugenne Mathilde, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Conan P., Jouandet M.-P., Bhairy Nagib, Berline L.,Read the publication -
Meso-zooplankton structure and functioning in the western tropical South Pacific along the 20th parallel south during the OUTPACE survey (February–April 2015)
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Pagano Marc, Guilloux Loic, Donoso Katty, Valdés Valentina P, Grosso Olivier, Hunt Brian P V,Read the publication
There are 7 publications for the year 2017 :
Trophic pathways of phytoplankton size classes through the zooplankton food web over the spring transition period in the north-west Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Hunt Brian, Carlotti Francois, Donoso Katty, Pagano Marc, d'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Taillandier Vincent, Conan Pascal,Read the publication -
Demographic modelling approach for assessment of environmental conditions which control the population of the invasive Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Mediterranean Seas
Authors : Shiganova Tamara, Nival Paul, Carlotti Francois, Alekseenko Elena,Read the publication -
Effects of physical forcing on COastal ZOoplankton community structure: study of the unusual case of a MEDiterranean ecosystem under strong tidal influence (Project COZOMED-MERMEX).
Authors : Pagano Marc, Arfi Robert, Atoui A., Ayadi H., Bejaoui B., Bhairy Nagib, Barraj N., Belhassen Malika, Benismail S., Benkacem M.y, Blanchot Jean, Čanković Milan, Carlotti Francois, Chevalier Cristele, Ciglenecki-Jusic I., Couet D., Daly Yahia Mohamed Néjib, Dammak L., Devenon Jean-Luc, Drira Zaher, Hamza A., Kmia S., Makhlouf N., Mahfoudi Mohamed, Moncef M., Sammari Cherif, Smeti Houssem, Zouari Amel,Read the publication -
Modelling of PCB trophic transfer in the Gulf of Lions; 3D coupled model application
Authors : Alekseenko Elena, Thouvenin Benedicte, Tronczynsky Jacek, Carlotti Francois, Garreau Pierre, Tixier Céline, Baklouti Melika,Read the publication -
Energy transfer efficiency from zooplankton to forage fish over a eutrophic to oligotrophic gradient in global pelagic food-webs
Authors : Hunt Brian P.V., Carlotti Francois, Kwong Lian, Pakhomov Evgeny, Suthers Iain,Read the publication -
Energy transfer efficiency from zooplankton to forage fish over a eutrophic to oligotrophicb gradient in global pelagic food-webs
Authors : Hunt Brian P.V., Carlotti Francois, Kwong Lian, Pakhomov Evgeny, Suthers Iain,Read the publication -
Zooplankton community response to the winter 2013 deep convection process in the NWMediterranean Sea
Authors : Donoso Katty, Carlotti Francois, Pagano Marc, Hunt Brian P. V., Escribano Rubén, Berline L.,Read the publication
There are 7 publications for the year 2016 :
Seasonal dynamics and stoichiometry of the planktonic community in the NW Mediterranean Sea: a 3D modeling approach
Authors : Alekseenko Elena, Baklouti Melika, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Trophic transfer of POPs in plankton and small pelagic fish in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic sea
Authors : Tronczynski Jacek, Carlotti Francois, Kušpilić G., Vorkamp Katrin, Cadiou Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
A coupled biomass spectrum-stable isotope approach to estimating zooplankton trophic efficiency
Authors : Hunt Brian P V, Carlotti Francois, Pakhomov Evgeny,Read the publication -
Mesozooplankton structure and functioning on shelf and oceanic waters of during the Kerguelen Bloom during the Keops2 survey (15 October – 20 November 2011)
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Jouandet Marie-Paule, Nowaczyk Antoine, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Zooplankton distribution and community structure in the North-Western Mediterranean sea during the Deep Water formation Experiment (DEWEX , February-April 2013)
Authors : Donoso Katty, Pagano Marc, Berline L., Escribano Ruben, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Detecting habitats considering the mesozooplankton size structure and environmental conditions in the Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea.
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Carlotti Francois, Zhou Meng, Devenon Jean-Luc,Read the publication -
Detecting Habitats and Ecosystem Functions Considering the Mesozooplankton Size and Diversity Structures and Environmental Conditions in the Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Espinasse Boris, Zhou Meng, Devenon Jean Luc,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2015 :
A coupled stable isotope-size spectrum approach to understanding pelagic food-web dynamics: A case study from the southwest sub-tropical Pacific
Authors : Hunt Brian P.V., Allain Valérie, Menkès Christophe E., Lorrain Anne, Graham Brittany S., Rodier Martine, Pagano Marc, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Mesozooplankton structure and functioning during the onset of the Kerguelen phytoplankton bloom during the KEOPS2 survey
Authors : Carlotti F, Jouandet M.-P, Nowaczyk A, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille L., Lefèvre Dominique, Richard P, Zhu Y, Zhou M,Read the publication -
The relative importance of phytoplankton aggregates and zooplankton fecal pellets to carbon export: insights from free-drifting sediment trap deployments in naturally iron-fertilised waters near the Kerguelen Plateau
Authors : Laurenceau-Cornec E. C., Trull T. W., Davies D. M., Bray S. G., Doran J., Planchon Frédéric, Carlotti F, Jouandet M.-P., Cavagna A.-J., Waite A. M., Blain S.,Read the publication
There are 12 publications for the year 2014 :
PCB concentrations in plankton size classes, a temporal study in Marseille Bay, Western Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Tiano Marion, Tronczynski Jacek, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Tixier Celine, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
PCB concentrations in plankton size classes, a temporal study in Marseille Bay, Western Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Tiano Marion, Tronczyński Jacek, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Tixier Céline, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Modeling the eco-physiology of the purple mauve stinger, Pelagia noctiluca using Dynamic Energy Budget theory
Authors : Augustine Starrlight, Rosa Sara, Kooijman Sebastiaan A. L. M., Carlotti Francois, Poggiale Jean-Christophe,Read the publication -
Mechanisms behind the metabolic flexibility of an invasive comb jelly
Authors : Augustine Starrlight, Jaspers Cornelia, Kooijman Sebastiaan A. L. M., Carlotti Francois, Poggiale Jean-Christophe, Freitas Vania, van Der Veer Henk, van Walraven Lodewijk,Read the publication -
Using a Lagrangian model to estimate source regions of particles in sediment traps
Authors : Qiu Zhongfeng, Doglioli A. M., Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Modeling the spatial and temporal population dynamics of the copepod Centropages typicus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during the year 2001 using a 3D ecosystem model
Authors : Carlotti F, Eisenhauer L., Campbell R., Diaz Frederic,Read the publication -
Seasonal dynamics and stoichiometry of the planktonic community in the NW Mediterranean Sea : a 3D modeling approach
Authors : Alekseenko Elena, Raybaud Virginie, Espinasse B., Carlotti Francois, Queguiner Bernard, Thouvenin B., Garreau Pierre, Baklouti Melika,Read the publication -
Patterns of variations in C and N stable isotope ratios in size-fractionated zooplankton in the Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Tiano Marion, Guilloux L., Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Surface currents and upwelling in Kerguelen Plateau regions
Authors : Zhou Meng, Zhu Y., d'Ovidio Francesco, Park Young-Hyang, Durand Isabelle, Kestenare Élodie, Sanial Virginie, van Beek Pieter, Queguiner Bernard, Carlotti Francois, Blain Stéphane,Read the publication -
Rapid formation of large aggregates during the spring bloom of Kerguelen Island: observations and model comparisons
Authors : Jouandet M.-P, Jackson George A, Carlotti F, Picheral M, Stemmann L, Blain S,Read the publication -
Seasonal variation of stable isotope ratios of size-fractionated zooplankton in the Bay of Marseille (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Bănaru Daniela, Carlotti Francois, Barani Aude, Grégori Gérald, Neffati Nada, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Defining zooplankton habitats in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) using size structure and environmental conditions
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Carlotti Francois, Zhou M., Devenon Jean Luc,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2013 :
A Mechanistic Individual-Based Model of the Feeding Processes for Oikopleura dioica
Authors : Vaugeois Maxime, Diaz Frederic, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Mesozooplankton structure and functioning during the onset of the Kerguelen spring bloom: first results of the KEOPS2 survey
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Nowaczyk Antoine, Jouandet Marie-Paule, Lefèvre Dominique, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille,Read the publication -
Reproductive traits of two calanoid copepods: Centropages ponticus and Temora stylifera, in autumn in Bizerte Channel
Authors : Neffati Nada, Daly Yahia-Kéfi Ons, Bonnet D., Carlotti Francois, Daly Yahia M.N.,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2012 :
Man-induced hydrological changes, metazooplankton communities and invasive species in the Berre Lagoon (Mediterranean Sea, France).
Authors : Delpy Floriane, Pagano Marc, Blanchot Jean, Carlotti Francois, Thibault Delphine,Read the publication -
Relationship between zooplankton distribution and physicals structures during two different seasons in the Gulf of Lion.
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Austral fall-winter transition of mesozooplankton assemblages and krill aggregations in an embayment west of the Antarctic Peninsula
Authors : Espinasse Boris, Zhou Meng, Zhu Yiwu, Hazen Elliott L., Friedlaender Ari S., Nowacek Douglas P., Chu Dezhang, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2011 :
On the influence of coastal mesoscale dynamics on the jellyfish trajectories and distributions
Authors : Bouffard Jerome, Doglioli Andrea M., Escudier A, Petrenko Anne, Pascual A, Qiu Z.F., Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean
Authors : Guieu Cecile, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, Conan Pascal, Gazeau Frédéric, Estournel Claude, Sempéré R., Cossa D., d'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Rabouille Christophe, Stemmann L., Bonnet S., Diaz F., Koubbi P., Radakovitch O., Babin Marcel, Baklouti Melika, Bancon-Montigny C., Belviso Sauveur, Bensoussan N., Bonsang B., Bouloubassi Ioanna, Brunet Christian, Cadiou J.-F., Carlotti F., Chami M., Charmasson S., Charrière B., Dachs J., Doxaran David, Dutay J.-C., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Eléaume M., Eyrolles F., Fernandez C., Fowler S., Francour P., Gaertner J.C., Galzin R., Gasparini S., Ghiglione J.-F., Gonzalez J.-L., Goyet Catherine, Guidi L., Guizien K., Heimbürger L.-E., Jacquet S.H.M., Jeffrey W.H., Joux F., Le Hir P., Leblanc K., Lefèvre D., Lejeusne C., Lemé R., Loÿe-Pilot M.-D., Mallet M., Méjanelle Laurence, Mélin F., Mellon C., Mérigot B., Merle P.-L., Migon C., Miller W.L., Mortier Laurent, Mostajir B., Mousseau L., Moutin T., Para J., Pérez T., Petrenko Anne, Poggiale J.-C., Prieur L., Pujo-Pay M., Raimbault P., Rees A.P., Ridame Céline, Rontani J.-F., Ruiz-Pino Diana, Sicre Marie-Alexandrine, Taillandier Vincent, Tamburini C., Tanaka T., Taupier-Letage Isabelle, Tedetti Marc, Testor Pierre, Thébault H., Thouvenin B., Touratier F., Tronczynski Jacek, Ulses Caroline, van Wambeke France, Vantrepotte Vincent, Vaz Sandrine, Verney Romaric,Read the publication -
Lagrangian model of zooplankton dispersion: numerical schemes comparisons and parameter sensitivity tests
Authors : Qiu Zhongfeng, Doglioli Andrea M., He Yijun, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Distribution of epipelagic metazooplankton across the Mediterranean Sea during the summer BOUM cruise
Authors : Nowaczyk A., Carlotti F, Thibault Delphine, Pagano M.,Read the publication
There are 7 publications for the year 2010 :
The influence of hydrodynamic processes on zooplankton transport and distributions in the North Western Mediterranean: Estimates from a Lagrangian model
Authors : Qiu Z.F., Doglioli A. M., Hu Z.Y., Marsaleix Patrick, Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Modification of the Berre Lagoon Pelagic Ecosystem Since the 1980s
Authors : Delpy Floriane, Thibault Delphine, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
A size-spectrum zooplankton closure model for ecosystem modelling
Authors : Zhou M., Carlotti F, Zhu Y.,Read the publication -
Dynamics of marine ecosystems: integration through models of physical-biological interactions
Authors : de Young Brad, Werner Francisco, Batchelder Harold, Carlotti Francois, Fiksen Øyvind, Hofmann Eileen, Kim Suam, Kishi Michio, Yamazaki Hidekatsu,Read the publication -
Modelling the effect of constant and fluctuating food supply on egg production rates of Acartia grani
Authors : Carlotti F, Eisenhauer L., Calbet A.,Read the publication -
Converting copepod vital rates into units appropriate for biogeochemical models
Authors : Frangoulis C., Carlotti Francois, Eisenhauer L., Zervoudaki S.,Read the publication -
End-To-End Models for the Analysis of Marine Ecosystems: Challenges, Issues, and Next Steps
Authors : Rose Kenneth, Allen J. Icarus, Artioli Yuri, Barange Manuel, Blackford Jerry, Carlotti Francois, Cropp Roger, Daewel Ute, Edwards Karen, Flynn Kevin J., Hill Simeon, Hill Reinier, Huse Geir, Mackinson Steven, Megrey Bernard, Moll Andreas, Rivkin Richard, Salihoglu Baris, Schrum Corinna, Shannon Lynne, Shin Yunne-Jai, Smith S. Lan, Smith Chris, Solidoro Cosimo, St. John Michael, Zhou Meng,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2009 :
Zooplankton population model coupled to a biogeochemical model of the North Western Mediterranean Sea ecosystem
Authors : Eisenhauer L., Carlotti F, Baklouti M., Diaz Frederic,Read the publication -
A Global Continuous Plankton Recorder Programme
Authors : Reid Philip, Batten Sonia, Burkill Peter H., Carlotti Francois, S. Chiba, Conversi Alessandra, Dooley H, M Edwards, J Flinkman,Read the publication -
Converting copepod vital rates into units appropriate for biogeochemical models
Authors : Frangoulis Constantin, Carlotti Francois, Eisenhauer L., Zervoudaki S.,Read the publication -
Towards methodological approaches to implement the zooplankton component in “end to end” food-web models
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Poggiale Jean-Christophe,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2008 :
Zooplankton community structure, biomass and role in carbon fluxes during the second half of a phytoplankton bloom in the eastern sector of the Kerguelen Shelf (January-February 2005)
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Thibault Delphine, Nowaczyk Antoine, Lefèvre Dominique,Read the publication
There are 10 publications for the year 2007 :
Parameterisation of a zooplankton population model for Pseudocalanus elongatus using stage durations from laboratory experiments
Authors : Stegert Christoph, Kreus Markus, Carlotti Francois, Moll Andreas,Read the publication -
Effect of natural iron fertilization on carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean
Authors : Blain Stéphane, Queguiner Bernard, Armand Leanne, Belviso Sauveur, Bombled Bruno, Bopp Laurent, Bowie Andrew R., Brunet Christian, Brussaard Corina, Carlotti Francois, Christaki Urania, Corbière Antoine, Durand Isabelle, Ebersbach Frederike, Fuda Jean-Luc, Garcia Nicole, Gerringa Loes, Griffiths Brian, Guigue Catherine, Guillerm Christophe, Jacquet Stéphanie H. M., Jeandel Catherine, Laan Patrick, Lefèvre Dominique, Lo Monaco Claire, Malits Andrea, Mosseri Julie, Obernosterer Ingrid, Park Young-Hyang, Picheral Marc, Pondaven Philippe, Remenyi Thomas, Sandroni Valérie, Sarthou Géraldine, Savoye Nicolas, Scouarnec Lionel, Souhaut Marc, Thuillier Doris, Timmermans Klaas, Trull Thomas W., Uitz Julia, van Beek Pieter, Veldhuis Marcel, Vincent Dorothée, Viollier Eric, Vong Lilita, Wagener Thibaut,Read the publication -
Stochastic modelling for determining zooplankton abundance
Authors : Karouby Oren, Iliadis Athanassios, Durbec Jean Pierre, Riandey Virginie, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Authors : Carlotti F, Harris R.,Read the publication -
The biology and ecology of Centropages typicus: An introduction
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Harris Roger,Read the publication -
Development and growth rates of Centropages typicus
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Bonnet Delphine, Halsband-Lenk Claudia,Read the publication -
The feeding ecology of the copepod Centropages typicus (Kröyer)
Authors : Calbet Albert, Carlotti Francois, Gaudy Raymond,Read the publication -
New developments in coastal environment research: results from the national coastal environment program
Authors : Clavier Jacques, Jouanny Michel, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Inverse analysis of the planktonic food web dynamics related to phytoplankton bloom development on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay, French coast
Authors : Marquis E, Niquil N, Delmas D, Hartmann Hj., Bonnet D., Carlotti F, Herbland A., Labry C., Sautour B., Laborde P., Dupuy C.,Read the publication -
Particle exchange and residence times in the North Western Mediterranean
Authors : Cianelli Daniela, Diaz Frédéric, Leredde Yann, Marsaleix Patrick, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2006 :
Dose rate effects in bipolar oxides: Competition between trap filling and recombination
Authors : Boch J., Saigné Frédéric, Touboul Antoine, Ducret S., Carlotti F, Bernard M., Schrimpf R., Wrobel Frédéric, Sarrabayrouse G.,Read the publication -
Spatial distribution of zooplankton size spectra on the French continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay during spring 2000 and 2001
Authors : Sourisseau Marc, Carlotti François,Read the publication -
Spatial distribution of zooplankton size spectra on the French continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay during spring 2000 and 2001
Authors : Sourisseau Marc, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2005 :
Zooplankton distribution related to the hydrodynamic features in the Algerian Basin (western Mediterranean Sea) in summer 1997
Authors : Riandey Virginie, Champalbert Gisèle, Carlotti Francois, Taupier-Letage Isabelle, Thibault Delphine,Read the publication -
An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters
Authors : Bonnet Delphine, Richardson Anthony, Harris Roger, Hirst Andrew, Beaugrand Gregory, Edwards Martin, Ceballos Sara, Diekman Rabea, López-Urrutia Angel, Valdes Luis, Carlotti Francois, Molinero Juan Carlos, Weikert Horst, Greve Wulf, Lucic Davor, Albaina Aitor, Yahia Nejib Daly, Umani Serena Fonda, Miranda Ana, Santos Antonina Dos, Cook Kathryn, Robinson Susan, Fernandez de Puelles Marie Luz,Read the publication -
Colloquium on diatom-copepod interactions
Authors : Paffenhöfer Ga, Ianora A, Miralto A, Turner Jt, Kleppel Gs, Dalcalà Mr, Casotti R, Caldwell Gs, Pohnert G, Fontana A, Müller-Navarra D, Jónasdóttir S, Armbrust V, Båmstedt U, Ban S, Bentley Mg, Boersma M, Bundy M, Buttino I, Calbet A, Carlotti F, Carotenuto Y, Dippolito G, Frost B, Guisande C, Lampert W, Lee Rf, Mazza S, Mazzocchi Mg, Nejstgaard Jc, Poulet Sa, Romano G, Smetacek V, Uye S, Wakeham S, Watson S, Wichard T,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2004 :
Secondary production of Calanus helgolandicus in the Western English Channel
Authors : Rey-Rassat Catherine, Bonnet Delphine, Irigoien Xabier, Harris Roger, Head Robert, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Is weight an important parameter when measuring copepod growth?
Authors : Rey-Rassat Catherine, Bonnet Delphine, Irigoien Xabier, Harris Roger, Head Robert, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Life-history strategies of calanoid congeners under two different climate regimes: a comparison
Authors : Halsband-Lenk Claudia, Carlotti Francois, Greve Wulf,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2003 :
Differences in life-cycle traits of Calanus finmarchicus originating from 60°N and 69°N, when reared in mesocosms at 69°N
Authors : Hansen B., Marker T., Andreassen P., Arashkewich E., Carlotti Francois, Lindeque P., Tande K., Wagner M.,Read the publication -
Individual growth model for the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica
Authors : Touratier F, Carlotti F, Gorsky G,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2002 :
Microzooplankton diversity: relationships of tintinnid ciliates with resources, competitors and predators from the Atlantic Coast of Morocco to the Eastern Mediterranean
Authors : Dolan J.R, Claustre Hervé, Carlotti F, Plounevez S, Moutin T.,Read the publication -
Temperature impact on reproduction and development of congener copepod populations
Authors : Halsband-Lenk Claudia, Hirche Hans-Jürgen, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Egg production rates of Calanus helgolandicus females reared in the laboratory: variability due to present and past feeding conditions
Authors : Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Head R, Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Growth and development of Calanus helgolandicus reared in the laboratory
Authors : Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Head R, Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Energetic cost of gonad development in Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus
Authors : Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Carlotti F,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2001 :
Seasonal Cycles of Egg Production of Two Planktonic Copepods, Centropages typicus and Temora stylifera, in the North-western Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Halsband-Lenk C., Nival Suzanne, Carlotti Francois, Hirche Hans-Jürgen,Read the publication -
Development and egg production in Centropages typicus (Copepoda: Calanoida) fed different food types: a laboratory study
Authors : Bonnet D, Carlotti F,Read the publication -
Population Dynamics Models
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Secondary Production in the Oceans and the Response to Climate Change.
Authors : Heath Mike, Carlotti Francois, de Young Brad, Fiksen Øyvind, Werner Francisco E.,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2000 :
Rearing cohorts of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) in mesocosms
Authors : Hygum B, Rey Catherine, Hansen Benny, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Feeding, growth, and reproduction in the genus Calanus
Authors : Harris R, Irigoien Xabier, Head Erica, Rey Catherine, Hygum Bh, Hansen, B. W., Niehoff Barbara, Meyer-Harms Bettina, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Modeling zooplankton dynamics
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Giske J., Werner Felix,Read the publication -
Regional dynamics of Calanus in the Norwegian Sea in response to ocean climate in 1997
Authors : Slagstad Dag, Tande Kurt, Melle Webjorn, Ellertsen Bjsrnar, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 1999 :
Modelling the carbon export and air–sea flux of CO2 in the Greenland Sea
Authors : Slagstad Dag, Downing Keith, Carlotti Francois, Hirche Hans-Jürgen,Read the publication -
Egg and faecal pellet production of Calanus finmarchicusfemales from controlled mesocosms and in situ populations:influence of age and feeding history
Authors : Rey C, Carlotti F, Tande K, Hygum Bh,Read the publication -
Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC): Implementation Plan, Volume 13 de GLOBEC report, Numéro 47 de Global change International Geosphere-Biosphere Program "Global Changes. Éditeur IGBP Secretariat, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1999, 207 pages
Authors : Aksnes Dag L., Jurgen Alheit, Carlotti Francois, Dickey Tommy, Harris Roger, Hofmann Eileen E., Ikeda Tsutomu, Kim Suam, Perry Ian, Pinardi Nadia, Piontkovski Sergey, Poulet Serge, Rothschild Brian, Strömberg Jarl-Ove, Tang Qisheng, Frank Shillington, Sundby Svein,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 1998 :
A model of optimal life history and diel vertical migration in Calanus finmarchicus
Authors : Fiksen Øyvind, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
. An individual based model of Calanus finmarchicus coupled with a 1-D ecosystem model (
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Wolf Uli,Read the publication -
Coupling of an individual‐based population dynamic model of Calanus finmarchicus to a circulation model for the Georges Bank region
Authors : Miller Charles, Lynch Daniel, Carlotti Francois, Gentleman Wendy, Lewis Craig,Read the publication -
Feeding behaviour of Centropages typicus in calm and turbulent conditions
Authors : Caparroy P, Pérez Mt, Carlotti F,Read the publication -
A Lagrangian ensemble model of Calanus finmarchicus coupled with a 1D ecosystem model
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Wolf Karl‐ulrich,Read the publication -
Annual weather variability and its influence on the population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus
Authors : Radach Günther, Carlotti Francois, Spangenberg Andreas,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 1997 :
Authors : Alheit Jurgen, Barthel, K.-G., Brander Keith, Carlotti Francois, Harris Roger, Koutsikopoulos C., Mackenzie Brian, Paffenhöfer Ga, Roe H., Tande Kurt,Read the publication -
Population dynamics model of interacting copepod species coupled with a 1‐D model of phytoplankton dynamics in the Greenland Sea Gyre
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Slagstad Dag,Read the publication -
Growth and egg production of female Calanus finmarchicus: an individual-based physiological model and experimental validation
Authors : Carlottil François, Hirche Hans-Jürgen,Read the publication -
Food- and temperature-dependent function of moulting rate in copepods: An example of parameterization for population dynamics models
Authors : Souissi Sami, Carlotti Francois, Nival Paul,Read the publication -
A model of larval dispersion coupling wind-driven currents and vertical larval behaviour:application to the recruitment of the annelid Owenia fusiformis in Banyuls Bay, France
Authors : Verdier-Bonnet C, Carlotti F, Rey C, Bhaud M,Read the publication -
Laboratory studies on egg and faecal pellet production of Centropages typicus : effect of age, effect of temperature, individual variability
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Rey Catherine, Javanshir Arash, Nival Suzanne,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 1996 :
Life stage-based model of interacting species of copepods: consequences on the formulation of grazing and predation in a zooplankton model
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton and Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea as revealed by a coupled one-dimensional model
Authors : Carlotti Francois, Radach Günther,Read the publication -
A realistic physical-biological model for Calanus finmarchicus in the North Atlantic
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
Modelling the larval development and dispersion of Pectinaria koreni in the bay of Seine
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication -
A model for Acartia tonsa : effect of turbulence and consequences for the related physiological processes
Authors : Caparroy Philippe, Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1995 :
Deterministic zooplanktonic population dynamics model taking into account growth and development
Authors : Carlotti Francois,Read the publication
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