Gael Durrieu
There are 2 publications for the year 2023 :
Extreme hydrological regimes of a small urban river: impact on trace element partitioning, enrichment and fluxes
Authors : Durrieu Gaël, Layglon Nicolas, D’onofrio Sébastien, Oursel Benjamin, Omanović Dario, Garnier Cédric, Mounier Stéphane,Read the publication -
Prokaryotic Responses to Estuarine Coalescence Contribute to Planktonic Community Assembly in a Mediterranean Nutrient-Rich Estuary
Authors : Navarro Elisabeth, Santinelli Chiara, Retelletti Brogi Simona, Durrieu Gaël, Radakovitch Olivier, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2022 :
Apports fluviaux et atmosphériques d'éléments traces métalliques et métalloïdes en zone côtière méditerranéenne : cas de la rade de Toulon
Authors : Durrieu Gael,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2021 :
Trace Metal Contamination Impacts Predicted Functions More Than Structure of Marine Prokaryotic Biofilm Communities in an Anthropized Coastal Area
Authors : Coclet Clément, Garnier Cédric, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Durrieu Gaël, Pasero Emilie, Le Poupon Christophe, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Misson Benjamin, Briand Jean-François,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2020 :
Impacts of copper and lead exposure on prokaryotic communities from contaminated contrasted coastal seawaters: the influence of previous metal exposure
Authors : Coclet Clément, Garnier Cédric, Durrieu Gaël, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Layglon Nicolas, Briand Jean-François, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Differential Acclimation of Juvenile Sea Urchins Transplanted Across a Metallic Trace Element Gradient within the Bay of Toulon (France)
Authors : Coupé Stéphane, Clergeaud Fanny, Couvray Sylvain, Durrieu Gaël, Richard Simone, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Gaillard Sandrine, Miard Thomas, Bonnefont Jean-Luc, Garnier Cédric, d'Alvise Nathalie Prévot,Read the publication -
Tracing source and mobility of arsenic and trace elements in a hydrosystem impacted by past mining activities (Morelos state, Mexico)
Authors : Barats Aurélie, Renac Christophe, Orani Anna Maria, Durrieu Gaël, Saint Martin Humberto, Esteller Maria Vicenta, Garrido Hoyos Sofia Esperenza,Read the publication -
Impact of thermal treatment on bentonite retention ability toward nickel and silver retention
Authors : El Ouardi Y., Branger C., Laatikainen K., Durrieu Gaël, Mounier Stéphane, Ouammou A., Lenoble V.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2019 :
Changes in Bacterioplankton Communities Resulting From Direct and Indirect Interactions With Trace Metal Gradients in an Urbanized Marine Coastal Area
Authors : Coclet Clément, Garnier Cédric, Durrieu Gaël, Omanović Dario, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Le Poupon Christophe, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Briand Jean-François, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2018 :
Prokaryotic community successions and interactions in marine biofilms: the key role of Flavobacteriia
Authors : Pollet Thomas, Berdjeb Lyria, Garnier Cédric, Durrieu Gaël, Le Poupon Christophe, Misson Benjamin, Briand Jean-François,Read the publication -
Trace metal contamination as a toxic and structuring factor impacting ultraphytoplankton communities in a multicontaminated Mediterranean coastal area
Authors : Coclet Clément, Garnier Cédric, Delpy Floriane, Jamet Dominique, Durrieu Gaël, Le Poupon Christophe, Mayer Marie, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Quantitative model of Carbon and Nitrogen isotope composition to highlight sources of nutrient discharge in coastal area (Toulon Bay, NW Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Huy Dang Duc, Evans R. Douglas, Durrieu Gaël, Houssainy Amonda El, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Layglon N., Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2017 :
The « CNRT Recosynth » project: analysis and synthesis of restoration operations carried out in New Caledonian mined areas during the last 30 years
Authors : Amir H., Gensous S., Fogliani B., L'Huillier L., Saintpierre D., Lagrange A., Reck A., Tumahai P., Durrieu G.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2015 :
Evidencing the Impact of Coastal Contaminated Sediments on Mussels Through Pb Stable Isotopes Composition
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Schäfer Jörg, Brach-Papa Christophe, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Dutruch Lionel, Chiffoleau Jean Francois, Gonzalez Jean Louis, Blanc Gérard, Mullot Jean Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Seasonal variations of coastal sedimentary trace metals cycling: Insight on the effect of manganese and iron (oxy)hydroxides, sulphide and organic matter
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2014 :
Sedimentary dynamics of coastal organic matter: An assessment of the porewater size/reactivity model by spectroscopic techniques
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Key parameters controlling arsenic dynamics in coastal sediments: An analytical and modeling approach
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Tessier Erwan, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean Ulrich, Pfeifer Hans Rudolf, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Naturally dissolved arsenic concentrations in the Alpine/Mediterranean Var River watershed (France)
Authors : Barats Aurélie, Féraud Gilbert, Potot Cécile, Philippini Violaine, Travi Yves, Durrieu Gaël, Dubar Michel, Simler Roland,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2013 :
Natural arsenic behaviour in the Alpine/Mediterranean Var River watershed.
Authors : Barats Aurélie, Féraud Gilbert, Potot Cécile, Philippini Violaine, Travi Yves, Durrieu Gaël, Dubar Michel, Simler Roland,Read the publication -
STELAE - A Model-Driven Test Development Environment for Avionics Systems
Authors : Guduvan Alexandru Robert Ciprian, Waeselynck Hélène, Wiels V., Durrieu Gaël, Fusero Yann, Schieber Michel,Read the publication -
Annual cycle of humic substances in a temperate estuarine system affected by agricultural practices
Authors : Waeles Matthieu, Riso Ricardo D., Pernet-Coudrier Benoit, Quentel Francois, Durrieu Gaël, Tissot Cyril,Read the publication -
Dynamics and fates of trace metals chronically input in a Mediterranean coastal zone impacted by a large urban area
Authors : Oursel B, Garnier Cédric, Durrieu Gaël, Mounier Stéphane, Omanovic D, Lucas Yves,Read the publication -
Environmental Quality Assessment for Valorization of Raw and Desalinated Dredged Marine Sediment Contaminated by Potentially Toxic Elements
Authors : Achard Romain, Benard Anne, Merdy Patricia, Durrieu Gaël, Le Poupon Christophe, Campredon Brice, Lucas Yves,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2012 :
Groundwater and river baseline quality using major, trace elements, organic carbon and Sr-Pb-O isotopes in a Mediterranean catchment: The case of the Lower Var Valley (south-eastern France),
Authors : Potot C., Féraud G., Schärer U., Barats A., Durrieu Gaël, Le Poupon Christophe, Travi Yves, Simler Roland,Read the publication -
Protein expression from zooplankton communities in a metal contaminated NW mediterranean coastal ecosystem
Authors : Jean Natacha, Dumont Estelle, Durrieu Gaël, Balliau Thierry, Jamet Jean-Louis, Personnic Sébastien, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2009 :
Caractérisation de la Matière Organique Dissoute en zones estuariennes et marines peu eutrophisées
Authors : Louis Y., Durrieu Gaël, Zhao H., Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Garnier C., Omanovic D., Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Pizeta I.,Read the publication -
Rôle de la Matière Organique Naturelle Dissoute sur la spéciation des métaux en milieu peu eutrophisé
Authors : Louis Y., Durrieu Gaël, Zhao H., Garnier C., Mounier Stéphane, Omanovic D., Pizeta I.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2003 :
Une classification mycologique phylogénétique francophone
Authors : Selosse M.A., Durrieu Gaël,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1988 :
La pourriture du cœur de l'Epicéa, Picea abies (L.) Karst. en Auvergne. Etude écologique
Authors : Benizry E., Durrieu Gaël, Rouane P.,Read the publication
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