Olivier Pringault
There are 2 publications for the year 2024 :
Added Value of Water Column Spatiotemporal Monitoring to Assess Variability of Trace Metal Elements and Organotin Compounds in Mediterranean Harbours
Authors : Chouba Cyrine, Pringault Olivier, Domeau Aurélien, Delpoux Sophie, Causse Léa, Marie Mylène, Freydier Rémi, Montigny Chrystelle,Read the publication -
Added Value of Water Column Spatiotemporal Monitoring to Assess Variability of Trace Metal Elements and Organotin Compounds in Mediterranean Harbours
Authors : Chouba Cyrine, Pringault Olivier, Domeau Aurélien, Delpoux Sophie, Causse Léa, Marie Mylène, Freydier Rémi, MONTIGNY CHRYSTELLE,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2023 :
Assessing the bioavailability of black carbon-derived dissolved organic matter for marine heterotrophic prokaryotes
Authors : Martinot Pauline, Guigue Catherine, Chifflet Sandrine, Cuny Philippe, Barani Aude, Didry Morgane, Dignan Clara, Guyomarc'h Léa, Pradel Nathalie, Pringault Olivier, van Wambeke France, Vu Cam Tu, Mari Xavier, Tedetti Marc,Read the publication -
An Effect-Based Method to Evaluate Spatio-Temporal Variations of Coastal Marine DOM Properties
Authors : Dignan Clara, Lenoble Véronique, Pringault Olivier, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Contamination of planktonic food webs in the Mediterranean Sea: Setting the frame for the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE oceanographic cruise (spring 2019)
Authors : Tedetti Marc, Tronczynski Jacek, Carlotti François, Pagano Marc, Ismail Sana Ben, Sammari Cherif, Hassen Malika Bel, Desboeufs Karine, Poindron Charlotte, Zouari Amel Bellaaj, Abdennadher Moufida, Amri Sirine, Bănaru Daniela, Abdallah Lotfi Ben, Bhairy Nagib, Boudriga Ismail, Bourin Aude, Brach-Papa Christophe, Briant Nicolas, Cabrol Léa, Chevalier Cristele, Chifflet Sandrine, Chouba Lassaad, Coudray Sylvain, Yahia Mohamed Nejib Daly, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Dufour Aurélie, Dutay Jean-Claude, Espinasse Boris, Fierro-González Pamela, Fornier Michel, Garcia Nicole, Jacquet Stéphanie, Guigue Catherine, Giner Franck, Guilloux Loic, Hamza Asma, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Knoery Joel, Lajnef Rim, Belkahia Nouha Makhlouf, Malengros Deny, Martinot Pauline, Bosse Anthony, Mazur Jean-Charles, Meddeb Marouan, Misson Benjamin, Pringault Olivier, Quemeneur Marianne, Radakovitch Olivier, Raimbault Patrick, Ravel Christophe, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Rossi Vincent, Thomas Bastien, Rwawi Chaimaa, Hlaili Asma Sakka, Thyssen Melilotus, Zaaboub Noureddine,Read the publication -
Effects of experimental sediment resuspension on protozooplankton grazing activity: implication for the planktonic food web structure
Authors : Mejri Kousri Kaouther, Meddeb Marouan, Grami Boutheina, Melliti Ben Garali Sondes, Chkili Oumayma, Sahraoui Inès, Gonzalez Catherine, Montigny Chrystelle, Pringault Olivier, Sakka Hlaili Asma,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2022 :
Status of water quality and impact of dredging activities in four ports of the gulf of Aigues Mortes (France)
Authors : Chouba Cyrine, Delpoux Sophie, Causse Léa, Marie Mylène, Freydier Rémi, Toubiana Mylène, Monfort Patrick, Pringault Olivier, Montigny Chrystelle,Read the publication -
Monoculture and co-culture tests of the toxicity of four typical herbicides on growth, photosynthesis and oxidative stress responses of the marine diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia mannii and Chaetoceros decipiens
Authors : Sahraoui Inès, Melliti Ben Garali Sondes, Chakroun Zoubaida, Gonzalez Catherine, Sakka Hlaili Asma, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Acute and chronic toxicity assessments of 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on the calanoid copepod Acartia clausi: Effects on survival, development, sex-ratio and reproduction
Authors : Djebbi Emna, Yahia Mohamed Néjib Daly, Farcy Emilie, Bonnet Delphine, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2021 :
Chemical contamination alters the interactions between bacteria and phytoplankton
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Bouvy Marc, Carré Claire, Mejri Kaouther, Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Gonzalez Catherine, Leboulanger Christophe, Hlaili Asma Sakka, Goñi Marisol,Read the publication -
Capacity of the potentially toxic diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia mannii and Pseudo-nitzschia hasleana to tolerate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Authors : Melliti Ben Garali Sondes, Sahraoui Inès, Ben Othman Hiba, Kouki Abdessalem, de La Iglesia Pablo, Diogène Jorge, Lafabrie Céline, Andree Karl, Fernández-Tejedor Margarita, Mejri Kaouther, Meddeb Marouan, Pringault Olivier, Hlaili Asma Sakka,Read the publication -
Efficiency of benthic diatom-associated bacteria in the removal of benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene
Authors : Kahla Oumayma, Melliti Ben Garali Sondes, Karray Fatma, Ben Abdallah Manel, Kallel Najwa, Mhiri Najla, Zaghden Hatem, Barhoumi Badreddine, Pringault Olivier, Quemeneur Marianne, Tedetti Marc, Sayadi Sami, Sakka Hlaili Asma,Read the publication -
Effects of nickel oxide nanoparticles on survival, reproduction, and oxidative stress biomarkers in the marine calanoid copepod Centropages ponticus under short-term exposure
Authors : Djebbi Emna, Bonnet Delphine, Pringault Olivier, Tlili Khawla, Yahia Mohamed Néjib Daly,Read the publication -
Transient effect of bisphenol A (BPA) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on the cosmopolitan marine diatom Chaetoceros decipiens-lorenzianus
Authors : M'Rabet Charaf, Kéfi–daly Yahia Ons, Chomérat Nicolas, Zentz Frédéric, Bilien Gwenaël, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2020 :
Drivers of change
Authors : Cherif Semia, Doblas-Miranda Enrique, Lionello Piero, Borrego Carlos, Giorgi Filippo, Rilov Gil, Iglesias Ana, Jebari Sihem, Mahmoudi Ezzeddine, Moriondo Marco, Pringault Olivier, Somot S, Tsikliras Athanassios, Vilà Montserrat, Zittis George,Read the publication -
Membre du comité d'organisation logistique et scientifique
Authors : Alletto Lionel L., Barret Maialen, Bérard Annette, Bonnineau Chloe, Bruneel Odile, Calvayrac Christophe, Cébron Aurélie, Delaunay Delphine, Fraissinet-Tachet Laurence, Ghiglione Jean Francois, Hellal Jennifer, Hery Marina, Karpouzas Dimitrios, Leboulanger Christophe, Martin-Laurent Fabrice, Martins Jean M.F., Moizo Rovaltain Mathilde, Morin Soizic, Noyer Mégane, Palacios Carmen, Patureau Dominique, Pesce Stéphane, Pringault Olivier, Richaume Agnes, Asma Sakka Hlaili, Schmitt-Jansen Mechthild, Thiour Mauprivez Clémence, Millot Dominique,Read the publication -
Impacts of chemical contamination on bacterio-phytoplankton coupling
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Bouvy Marc, Carré Claire, Fouilland Eric, Meddeb Marouan, Mejri Kaouther, Leboulanger Christophe, Sakka Hlaili Asma,Read the publication -
Meta-omics Provides Insights into the Impact of Hydrocarbon Contamination on Microbial Mat Functioning
Authors : Aubé Johanne, Senin Pavel, Bonin Patricia, Pringault Olivier, Jeziorski Céline, Bouchez Olivier, Klopp Christophe, Guyoneaud Remy, Goñi Marisol,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2019 :
Seasonal changes of chemical contamination in coastal waters during sediment resuspension
Authors : Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Gonzalez Catherine, Delpoux Sophie, Avezac Murielle, Spinelli Sylvie, Mhadhbi Takoua, Mejri Kaouther, Hlaili Asma Sakka, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
A new type of plankton food web functioning in coastal waters revealed by coupling Monte Carlo Markov Chain Linear Inverse method and Ecological Network Analysis
Authors : Meddeb Marouan, Niquil Nathalie, Grami Boutheina, Mejri Kaouther, Haraldsson Matilda, Chaalali Aurélie, Pringault Olivier, Sakka Hlaili Asma,Read the publication -
Evaluating polar pesticide pollution with a combined approach : a survey of agricultural practices and POCIS passive samplers in a Tunisian lagoon watershed
Authors : Mhadhbi Takoua, Pringault Olivier, Nouri Habiba, Spinelli Sylvie, Beyrem Hamouda, Gonzalez Catherine,Read the publication -
Consequences of a contaminant mixture of bisphenol A (BPA) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), two plastic-derived chemicals, on the diversity of coastal phytoplankton
Authors : M’ Rabet Charaf, Kéfi-Daly Yahia Ons, Couet Douglas, Gueroun Sonia Khadija Maïté, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2018 :
Effects of copper and butyltin compounds on the growth, photosynthetic activity and toxin production of two HAB dinoflagellates: The planktonic Alexandrium catenella and the benthic Ostreopsis cf. ovata
Authors : Couet Douglas, Pringault Olivier, Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Briant Nicolas, Poulichet Francoise Elbaz, Delpoux Sophie, Yahia Ons Kefi-Daly, Hela Bengharbia, Charaf M'Rabet, Herve Fabienne, Rovillon Georges, Amzil Zouher, Laabir Mohamed,Read the publication -
Plankton food-web functioning in anthropogenically impacted coastal waters (SW Mediterranean Sea): An ecological network analysis
Authors : Meddeb Marouan, Grami Boutheina, Chaalali Aurélie, Haraldsson Matilda, Niquil Nathalie, Pringault Olivier, Sakka Hlaili Asma,Read the publication -
Influence of Bizerte city wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on abundance and antibioresistance of culturable heterotrophic and fecal indicator bacteria of Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia)
Authors : Souissi Mariem, Laabidi Rached, Aissa Patricia, Pringault Olivier, Said Olfa Ben,Read the publication -
Impact of two plastic-derived chemicals, the Bisphenol A and the di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, exposure on the marine toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum
Authors : M'Rabet Charaf, Pringault Olivier, Zmerli-Triki Habiba, Ben Gharbia Hela, Couet Douglas, Yahia Ons Kefi-Daly,Read the publication -
Influence of bacteria on the response of microalgae to contaminant mixtures
Authors : Fouilland Eric, Galès Amandine, Beaugelin Ines, Lanouguere Elodie, Pringault Olivier, Leboulanger Christophe,Read the publication -
Consequences of contamination on the interactions between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton.
Authors : Goñi Marisol, Helene Moussard, Celine Lafabrie, Carré Claire, Marc Bouvy, Asma Sakka Hlaili, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2017 :
Do the levels of industrial pollutants influence the distribution and abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in the recently-deposited sediment of a Mediterranean coastal ecosystem?
Authors : Triki Habiba Zmerli, Laabir Mohamed, Lafabrie Céline, Malouche Dhafer, Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Gonzalez Catherine, Deidun Alan, Pringault Olivier, Daly-Yahia Ons Kéfi,Read the publication -
Impact of contaminated sediment elutriate on coastal phytoplankton community (Thau lagoon, Mediterranean Sea, France)
Authors : Ben Othman Hiba, Pringault Olivier, Louati Héla, Sakka Hlaili Asma, Leboulanger Christophe,Read the publication -
When riverine dissolved organic matter (DOM) meets labile DOM in coastal waters: changes in bacterial community activity and composition
Authors : Blanchet Marine, Pringault Olivier, Panagiotopoulos Christos, Lefèvre Dominique, Charrìère Bruno, Ghiglione Jean-François, Fernandez Camila, Aparicio Fran L., Marrasé Cèlia, Catala Philippe, Oriol Louise, Caparros Jocelyne, Joux Fabien,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2016 :
The impact of long-term hydrocarbon exposure on the structure, activity, and biogeochemical functioning of microbial mats
Authors : Aubé Johanne, Senin Pavel, Pringault Olivier, Bonin Patricia, Deflandre Bruno, Bouchez Olivier, Bru Noëlle, Biritxinaga-Etchart Edurne, Klopp Christophe, Guyoneaud Remy, Goñi Marisol,Read the publication -
Consequences of contaminant mixture on the dynamics and functional diversity of bacterioplankton in a southwestern Mediterranean coastal ecosystem
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Lafabrie Céline, Avezac Murielle, Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Carré Claire, Chalghaf Mohamed, Delpoux Sophie, Duvivier Adrien, Elbaz-Poulichet Françoise, Gonzalez Catherine, Got Patrice, Leboulanger Christophe, Spinelli Sylvie, Sakka Hlaili Asma, Bouvy Marc,Read the publication -
Chemical multi-contamination drives benthic prokaryotic diversity in the anthropized Toulon Bay
Authors : Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Lauga Béatrice, Dang Duc Huy, Ghiglione Jean-François, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Duran Robert, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 8 publications for the year 2015 :
Changes in bacterial community metabolism and composition during the degradation of dissolved organic matter from the jellyfish Aurelia aurita in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon
Authors : Blanchet Marine, Pringault Olivier, Bouvy Marc, Catala Philippe, Oriol Louise, Caparros Jocelyne, Ortega-Retuerta Eva, Intertaglia Laurent, West Nyree, Agis Martin, Got Patrice, Joux Fabien,Read the publication -
Distributions of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyl in surface water from Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia
Authors : Necibi Mouna, Mzoughi Nadia, Néjib Daly Yahia Mohamed, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Responses of a free-living benthic marine nematode community to bioremediation of a PAH mixture
Authors : Louati Hela, Said O.B., Soltani A., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Aissa Patricia, Mahmoudi E., Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Contrasted effects of natural complex mixtures of PAHs and metals on oxygen cycle in a microbial mat
Authors : Pringault O., Aubé Johanne, Bouchez Olivier, Klopp C., Mariette J., Escudie F., Senin P., Goñi Marisol,Read the publication -
Atelier de Réflexion Prospective MERMED : adaptation aux changements globaux en mer Méditerranée
Authors : Boulier F., Chagué V., Changeux T., Lacroix D., Chaboud Christian, Charvis Philippe, Cury Philippe, Galletti Florence, Le Loc'h François, Leboulanger Christophe, Moizo Bernard, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Environmental controlling factors of copepod communities in the Gulf of Tunis (south western Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Ben Lamine Yosra, Pringault Olivier, Aissi Mehdi, Ensibi Cherif, Mahmoudi Ezzeddine, Kéfi-Daly Yahia Ons, Néjib Daly Yahia Mohamed,Read the publication -
ARP MERMED Forward-thinking Workshop : adapting to global changes in the Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Boulier (coord.) F., Chagué (coord.) V., Changeux T., Lacroix (coord.) D., Chaboud (collab.) Christian, Charvis (collab.) Philippe, Cury (collab.) Philippe, Galletti (collab.) Florence, Le Loc’h François, Leboulanger Christophe, Moizo (collab.) Bernard, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Changes of benthic bacteria and meiofauna assemblages during bio-treatments of anthracene-contaminated sediments from Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia)
Authors : Ben Said O., Louati Hela, Soltani A., Preud'Homme Hugues, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Got P., Pringault O., Aissa Patricia, Duran Robert,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2014 :
Nutrient ratios and the complex structure of phytoplankton communities in a highly turbid estuary of Southeast Asia
Authors : Chu Thuoc Van, Torréton Jean-Pascal, Mari Xavier, Nguyen Huyen Minh Thi, Pham Kha Thi, Pham Thu The, Bouvier Thierry, Bettarel Yvan, Pringault Olivier, Bouvier Corinne, Rochelle-Newall Emma,Read the publication -
Effects of soot deposition on particle dynamics and microbial processes in marine surface waters
Authors : Mari Xavier, Lefèvre Jérôme, Torréton Jean-Pascal, Bettarel Yvan, Pringault Olivier, Rochelle-Newall Emma J., Marchesiello Patrick, Menkès Christophe E., Rodier Martine, Migon Christophe, Motegi Chiaki, Weinbauer Markus G, Legendre Louis,Read the publication -
Impacts of bioremediation schemes for the mitigation of a low-dose anthracene contamination on free-living marine benthic nematodes
Authors : Louati Haithem, Ben Said O., Soltani A., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Preud'Homme Hugues, Duran Robert, Aïssa P., Mahmoudi E., Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Atelier de réflexion prospective MERMED : adaptation aux changements globaux en mer Méditerranée : rapport final
Authors : Hubert B., Broin M., Boulier F., Chagué V., Changeux T., Lacroix D., Chaboud Christian, Charvis Philippe, Cury Philippe, Galletti Florence, Guilhaumon François, Le Loc'h François, Leboulanger Christophe, Moizo Bernard, Ollivier Bernard, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Biostimulation as an attractive technique to reduce phenanthrene toxicity for meiofauna and bacteria in lagoon sediment
Authors : Louati Haithem, Said O.B., Soltani A., Got P., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Aissa P., Pringault O., Mahmoudi E.,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2013 :
Freshwater prokaryote and virus communities can adapt to a controlled increase in salinity through changes in their structure and interactions
Authors : Combe Marine, Marine Combe, Thierry Bouvier, Pringault Olivier, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Corinne Bouvier, Martin Agis, The Thu Pham, Jean-Pascal Torreton, van Thuoc Chu, Bettarel Yvan,Read the publication -
Impact of contaminated-sediment resuspension on phytoplankton in the Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Lafabrie Céline, Garrido M., Leboulanger Christophe, Cecchi Philippe, Grégori Gérald, Pasqualini Vanina, Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Contaminated sediment resuspension induces shifts in phytoplankton structure and function in a eutrophic Mediterranean lagoon
Authors : Lafabrie C., Hlaili A.S., Leboulanger C., Tarhouni I., Othman H.B., Mzoughi Naoufel, Chouba L., Pringault O.,Read the publication -
The roles of biological interactions and pollutant contamination in shaping microbial benthic community structure
Authors : Louati Haithem, Ben Said O., Soltani A., Got P., Mahmoudi E., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Aissa P., Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Microbial community responses to bioremediation treatments for the mitigation of low-dose anthracene in marine coastal sediments of Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia)
Authors : Louati Haithem, Said O.B., Got P., Soltani A., Mahmoudi E., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Aïssa P., Pringault O.,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2012 :
Benthic pelagic coupling in a shallow oligotrophic ecosystem: Importance of microphytobenthos and physical forcing
Authors : Hochard Sébastien, Pinazo Christel, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Pringault O.,Read the publication -
First results on the study of the responses of phytoplankton communities to bioavailable sediment-associated contaminants.
Authors : Lafabrie Céline, Garrido Marie, Cecchi Philippe, Leboulanger Christophe, Pringault Olivier, Pasqualini Vanina,Read the publication -
Production of individual marine organic aggregates using Paramagnetic Microspheres: A new tool for examining microbial associations with aggregates
Authors : Mari Xavier, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Torréton Jean-Pascal, Pringault Olivier, Bettarel Yvan, Motegi Chiaki, Weinbauer Markus G,Read the publication -
Interactions between Zn and bacteria in marine tropical coastal sediments
Authors : Pringault O., Viret H., Duran Robert,Read the publication -
Vitro study of the impact of sédimentsartificiellement contaminated with anthracene: Effects on indigenous bacteria and the marine nematode [Étude in vitro de l'impact de sediments artificiellement contaminés par l'anthracène: Effets sur les bactéries indigènes et les nématodes libres marins]
Authors : Said O.B., Louati Hela, Soltani A., Mahmoudi E., Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Pringault O., Duran Robert, Aissa P.,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2011 :
Phytoplankton distribution and productivity in a highly turbid, tropical coastal system (Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam)
Authors : Rochelle-Newall E.J., Chu V.T., Pringault O., Amouroux David, Arfi Robert, Bettarel Y., Bouvier T., Bouvier C., Got P., Nguyen T.M.H., Mari Xavier, Navarro Pablo, Duong T.N., Cao T.T.T., Pham T.T., Ouillon S., Torréton J.-P.,Read the publication -
Viral Distribution and Life Strategies in the Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam
Authors : Bettarel Yvan, Bouvier Thierry, Agis Martin, Bouvier Corinne, van Chu Thuoc, Combe Marine, Mari Xavier, Ngoc Nghiem Minh, Thanh Nguyen Thuy, The Pham Thu, Pringault Olivier, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Torréton Jean-Pascal, Quang Tran Huy,Read the publication -
Value of bioremediation for reducing the phenanthrene toxic effect on benthic communities of bacteria and free-iiving nematodes [Interet de la biorémediation dans la réduction de l'effet toxique du phénanthrène sur les communautés de bactéries et de nématodes libres benthiques]
Authors : Louati Haithem, Ben Said O., Soltani A., Mahmoudi Ezzedine, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Pringault O., Aissa P.,Read the publication -
Validation of two tropical marine bivalves as bioindicators of mining contamination in the New Caledonia lagoon: Field transplantation experiments
Authors : Hédouin Laëtitia, Pringault O., Bustamante Paco, Fichez Renaud, Warnau Michel,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2010 :
Subtidal microphytobenthos: effects of inorganic and organic compound supplies on migration, production, and respiration in a tropical coastal environment
Authors : Bourgeois S., Hochard S, Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Influence of microorganisms on the removal of nickel in tropical marine sediments (New Caledonia)
Authors : Pringault O., Viret H., Duran Robert,Read the publication -
Sticking properties of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) during aging and biodegradation
Authors : Rochelle-Newall Emma, Mari Xavier, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Impact of microphytobenthos on the sediment biogeochemical cycles: A modeling approach
Authors : Hochard Sébastien, Pinazo Christel, Grenz Christian, Evans Jessica L. Burton, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Variability of primary and bacterial production in a coral reef lagoon (New Caledonia)
Authors : Torréton Jean-Pascal, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Pringault Olivier, Jacquet Séverine, Faure V., Briand Enora,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2009 :
Respiration in the Light and Bacterio-Phytoplankton Coupling in a Coastal Environment
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Tesson Sylvie, Rochelle-Newall Emma,Read the publication -
Trends in concentrations of selected metalloid and metals in two bivalves from the coral reefs in the SW lagoon of New Caledonia
Authors : Hédouin Laetitia, Bustamante Paco, Churlaud Carine, Pringault O., Fichez Renaud, Warnau Michel,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2008 :
Zinc induces shifts in microbial carbon flux in tropical coastal environments
Authors : Rochelle-Newall Ej, Delesalle B., Mari Xavier, Rouchon C., Torréton Jp, Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Phytoplankton-bacterioplankton coupling in a subtropical South Pacific coral reef lagoon
Authors : Rochelle-Newall Emma, Torréton Jean-Philippe, Mari Xavier, Pringault O.,Read the publication -
Temporal variations of microbial activity and diversity in marine tropical sediments (New Caledonia Lagoon)
Authors : Pringault O., Duran Robert, Jacquet S., Torréton J.-P.,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2007 :
Water residence time: A regulatory factor of the DOM to POM transfer efficiency
Authors : Mari Xavier, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Torréton Jean-Pascal, Pringault Olivier, Jouon Aymeric, Migon Christophe,Read the publication -
Consequences of respiration in the light on the determination of production in pelagic systems
Authors : Pringault O., Tassas V., Rochelle-Newall E.,Read the publication -
Nickel bioaccumulation in bivalves from the New Caledonia lagoon: Seawater and food exposure
Authors : Hédouin Laëtitia, Pringault O., Metian Marc, Bustamante Paco, Warnau Michel,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2006 :
Consequences of respiration in the light on the determination of production in pelagic systems
Authors : Pringault O., Tassas V., Rochelle-Newall E.,Read the publication -
Limitation of oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen consumption by phosphate and organic nitrogen in a hypersaline microbial mat: a microsensor study
Authors : Ludwig Rebecca, Pringault Olivier, de Wit Rutger, de Beer Dirk, Jonkers Henk,Read the publication -
Impact of zinc and nickel on oxygen consumption of benthic microbial communities assessed with microsensors
Authors : Viret H., Pringault O., Duran Robert,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2005 :
Irradiance Regulation of Photosynthesis and Respiration in Modern Marine Microbialites Built by Benthic Cyanobacteria in a Tropical Lagoon (New Caledonia)
Authors : Pringault Olivier, de Wit Rutger, Camoin Gilbert,Read the publication -
Effects of the colonial cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. on bacterial activity
Authors : Renaud F., Pringault O., Rochelle-Newall E.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2004 :
The use of oxygen microprobes to measure bacterial respiration for determining bacterioplankton growth efficiency
Authors : Briand Enora, Pringault Olivier, Jacquet Séverine, Torréton Jean Pascal,Read the publication -
Hydrotaxis of Cyanobacteria in Desert Crusts
Authors : Pringault O., Garcia-Pichel F.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2003 :
Structural and functional analysis of a microbial mat ecosystem from a unique permanent hypersaline inland lake: âLa Salada de Chipranaâ (NE Spain)
Authors : Jonkers Henk, Ludwig Rebecca, Wit Rutger, Pringault Olivier, Muyzer Gerard, Niemann Helge, Finke Niko, Beer Dirk,Read the publication -
Spatial variability in Sediment Oxygen Consumption under winter conditions in a lagoonal system in New Caledonia (South Pacific)
Authors : Grenz Christian, Denis Lionel, Boucher Guy, Chauvaud Laurent, Clavier Jacques, Fichez Renaud, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2002 :
Experimental Study of Interactions between Purple and Green Sulfur Bacteria in Sandy Sediments Exposed to Illumination Deprived of Near-Infrared Wavelengths
Authors : Massé A., Pringault O., de Wit R.,Read the publication -
Effect of light quality on sulfide photo-oxidation and growth in an artificial biofilm of the green sulfur bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii
Authors : Massé Astrid, Pringault Olivier, de Wit Rutger,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2001 :
Cyanobacteria track water in desert soils
Authors : Garcia-Pichel Ferran, Pringault Olivier,Read the publication -
Artificial cold-adapted microbial mats cultured from Antarctic lake samples. 2. Short-term temperature effects on oxygen turn-over
Authors : Pringault O., Buffan-Dubau Evelyne, de Wit R.,Read the publication -
Artificial cold-adapted microbial mats cultured from Antarctic lake samples. 1. Formation and structure
Authors : Buffan-Dubau Evelyne, Pringault O., de Wit R.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2000 :
Monitoring of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis in a unicyanobacterial biofilm, grown in benthic gradient chamber
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Garcia-Pichel Ferran,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 1999 :
A Microsensor Study of the Interaction between Purple Sulfur and Green Sulfur Bacteria in Experimental Benthic Gradients
Authors : Pringault O., Wit R. De, Kühl M.,Read the publication -
Dynamics of anoxygenic photosynthesis in an experimental green sulphur bacteria biofilm
Authors : Pringault O., Epping E., Guyoneaud Remy, Khalili A., Kühl M.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1998 :
Growth of green sulphur bacteria in experimental benthic oxygen, sulphide, pH and light gradients
Authors : Pringault O., Kuhl M., de Wit R., Caumette P.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1996 :
A Benthic Gradient Chamber for culturing phototrophic sulfur bacteria on reconstituted sediments
Authors : Pringault Olivier, Wit Rutger, Caumette Pierre,Read the publication
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