Veronique Lenoble
There are 4 publications for the year 2024 :
Hypervariable DOM properties in coastal NW Mediterranean sea -evidences of strong human influences and potential consequences for the heterotrophic base of planktonic food webs
Authors : Dignan Clara, Lenoble Véronique, Garcia Nicole, Oursel Benjamin, Cindrić Ana-Marija, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the plastisphere: Awareness of environmental risk from a European perspective
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Cindrić Ana-Marija, Briand Jean-François, Pedrotti Maria Luiza, Lacerda Ana Luzia, Muniategui-Lorenzo Soledad, Fernández-González Veronica, Moscoso-Pérez Carmen Ma, Andrade-Garda José, Casotti Raffaella, Murano Carola, Donnarumma Vincenzo, Frizzi Sébastien, Hannon Colin, Joyce Haleigh, Nash Róisín, Frias João,Read the publication -
Assessing the Plastisphere from Floating Plastics in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, with Emphasis on Viruses
Authors : Lacerda Ana Luzia, Briand Jean-François, Lenoble Véronique, Oreste Eliézer Quadro, Kessler Felipe, Pedrotti Maria Luiza,Read the publication -
Microplastics in the insular marine environment of the Southwest Indian Ocean carry a microbiome including antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria: A case study from Reunion Island
Authors : Sababadichetty Loik, Miltgen Guillaume, Vincent Bryan, Guilhaumon François, Lenoble Véronique, Thibault Margot, Bureau Sophie, Tortosa Pablo, Bouvier Thierry, Jourand Philippe,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2023 :
An Effect-Based Method to Evaluate Spatio-Temporal Variations of Coastal Marine DOM Properties
Authors : Dignan Clara, Lenoble Véronique, Pringault Olivier, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Exploring microplastic contamination in reef-associated fishes of the Tropical Atlantic
Authors : Justino Anne K. S., Ferreira Guilherme V. B., Fauvelle Vincent, Schmidt Natascha, Lenoble Véronique, Pelage Latifa, Lucena-Fredou Flavia,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2022 :
Cd transfers during marine sediment resuspension over short and long-term period: Associated risk for coastal water quality
Authors : Layglon Nicolas, Lenoble Véronique, Louis Longo, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Mounier Stéphane, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Sartori Davide, Omanović Dario, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin,Read the publication -
Seawater copper content controls biofilm bioaccumulation and microbial community on microplastics
Authors : Djaoudi Kahina, Tesan Javier Angel, Boukra Amine, Guesnay Lucas, Portas Aurélie, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Angeletti Bernard, Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique, Briand Jean-François,Read the publication -
The role of mesopelagic fishes as microplastics vectors across the deep-sea layers from the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic
Authors : Justino Anne K.S., Ferreira Guilherme V.B., Schmidt Natascha, Eduardo Leandro N., Fauvelle Vincent, Lenoble Véronique, Sempéré Richard, Panagiotopoulos Christos, Mincarone Michael, Frédou Thierry, Lucena-Frédou Flávia,Read the publication -
Influence of the synthesis parameters on the efficiency of fluorescent ion-imprinted polymers for lead detection
Authors : René William, Lenoble Véronique, Laatikainen Katri, Viguier Bruno, Branger Catherine,Read the publication -
Plastic in the inferno: Microplastic contamination in deep-sea cephalopods (Vampyroteuthis infernalis and Abralia veranyi) from the southwestern Atlantic
Authors : Ferreira Guilherme V.B., Justino Anne K.S., Eduardo Leandro Nolé, Lenoble Véronique, Fauvelle Vincent, Schmidt Natascha, Junior Teodoro Vaske, Frédou Thierry, Lucena-Frédou Flávia,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2021 :
Impact of thermal treatment on bentonite retention ability towards nickel and silver retention
Authors : El Ouardi Y., Branger C., Laatikainen K., Durrieu G., Mounier S., Ouammou A., Lenoble V.,Read the publication -
Microplastic contamination in tropical fishes: an assessment of different feeding habits
Authors : Justino Anne K.S., Lenoble Véronique, Pelage Latifa, Ferreira Guilherme V.B., Passarone Rafaela, Frédou Thierry, Lucena Frédou Flávia,Read the publication -
Quantification of Microplastics in North-Western Mediterranean Harbors: Seasonality and Biofilm-Related Metallic Contaminants
Authors : Tesán Onrubia Javier, Djaoudi Kahina, Borgogno Franco, Canuto Susanna, Angeletti Bernard, Besio Giovanni, Capello Mar, Cutroneo Laura, Stocchino Alessandro, Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication -
Enhancing clay adsorption properties: a comparison between chemical and combined chemical/thermal treatments
Authors : El Ouardi Youssef, Lenoble Véronique, Branger Catherine, Laatikainen Katri, Angeletti Bernard, Ouammou Abdelkrim,Read the publication -
Negligible microbial heterotrophic quantitative contribution onto trace metals remobilization during marine sediment resuspension - insights from a Mediterranean urbanized bay
Authors : Layglon Nicolas, Misson B., Gallois Nicolas, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Lenoble V, Mounier Stéphane, Omanović Dario, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication
There are 10 publications for the year 2020 :
A turn-on fluorescent ion-imprinted polymer for selective and reliable optosensing of lead in real water samples
Authors : René William, Lenoble Véronique, Chioukh Manel, Branger Catherine,Read the publication -
Dissolved organic matter dynamics in the pristine Krka River estuary (Croatia)
Authors : Marcinek Saša, Santinelli Chiara, Cindrić Ana-Marija, Evangelista Valtere, Gonnelli Margherita, Layglon N., Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique, Omanović Dario,Read the publication -
Long-term monitoring emphasizes impacts of the dredging on dissolved Cu and Pb contamination along with ultraplankton distribution and structure in Toulon Bay (NW Mediterranean Sea, France)
Authors : Layglon N., Misson Benjamin, Durieu Gaël, Coclet Clément, d'Onofrio Sébastien, Dang Duc Huy, François David, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique, Omanović Dario, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Evaluation of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique for speciation of trace metals in estuarine waters - A multimethodological approach
Authors : Cindrić Ana-Marija, Marcinek Saša, Garnier Cédric, Salaun Pascal, Cukrov Neven, Oursel Benjamin, Lenoble Véronique, Omanović Dario,Read the publication -
Dissolved organic matter controls of arsenic bioavailability to bacteria
Authors : Pothier Martin, Lenoble Véronique, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin, Rentmeister Charlotte, Poulain Alexandre,Read the publication -
An insight of enhanced natural material (calcined diatomite) efficiency in nickel and silver retention: Application to natural effluents
Authors : Ouardi Youssef El, Branger Catherine, Toufik Hamid, Laatikainen Katri, Ouammou Abdelkrim, Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication -
Impact of thermal treatment on bentonite retention ability toward nickel and silver retention
Authors : El Ouardi Y., Branger C., Laatikainen K., Durrieu Gaël, Mounier Stéphane, Ouammou A., Lenoble V.,Read the publication -
Microplastics in seawater: sampling strategies, laboratory methodologies, and identification techniques applied to port environment
Authors : Cutroneo Laura, Reboa Anna, Besio Giovanni, Borgogno Franco, Canesi Laura, Canuto Susanna, Dara Manuela, Enrile Francesco, Forioso Iskender, Greco Giuseppe, Lenoble Véronique, Malatesta Arianna, Mounier Stéphane, Petrillo Mario, Rovetta Ruben, Stocchino Alessandro, Tesan Javier, Vagge Greta, Capello Marco,Read the publication -
Have decades of abiotic studies in sediments been misinterpreted?
Authors : Layglon N., Misson Benjamin, Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique, Omanović Dario, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Microplastics in a salt-wedge estuary: Vertical structure and tidal dynamics
Authors : Defontaine Sophie, Sous Damien, Tesan Javier, Monperrus Mathilde, Lenoble Véronique, Lanceleur Laurent,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2019 :
Improved voltammetric methodology for chromium redox speciation in estuarine waters
Authors : Pađan Jasmin, Marcinek Saša, Cindrić Ana-Marija, Layglon N., Lenoble Véronique, Salaün Pascal, Garnier Cédric, Omanović Dario,Read the publication -
Kinetic processes of copper and lead remobilization during sediment resuspension of marine polluted sediments
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Layglon N., Ferretto Nicolas, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Identifying the stoichiometry of metal/ligand complex by coupling spectroscopy and modelling: a comprehensive study on two fluorescent molecules specific to lead
Authors : René William, Arab Madjid, Laatikainen Katri, Mounier Stéphane, Branger Catherine, Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2018 :
Uranium isotope geochemistry in modern coastal sediments: Insights from Toulon Bay, France
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Evans R. Douglas, Wang Wei, Omanović Dario, El Houssainy Amonda, Lenoble Véronique, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Quantitative model of Carbon and Nitrogen isotope composition to highlight sources of nutrient discharge in coastal area (Toulon Bay, NW Mediterranean Sea)
Authors : Huy Dang Duc, Evans R. Douglas, Durrieu Gaël, Houssainy Amonda El, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Layglon N., Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
In situ complexation versus complex isolation in synthesis of ion imprinted polymers
Authors : Laatikainen Katri, Branger Catherine, Coulomb Bruno, Lenoble Véronique, Sainio Tuomo,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2017 :
How do low doses of desferrioxamine B and EDTA affect the phytoextraction of metals in sunflower?
Authors : Cornu Jean-Yves, Depernet Clément, Garnier C., Lenoble Véronique, Braud A., Lebeau T.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2016 :
Nickel retention by an ion-imprinted polymer: Wide-range selectivity study and modelling of the binding structures
Authors : Laatikainen Katri, Garnier Cédric, Angeletti Bernard, Coulomb Bruno, Sainio Tuomo, Branger Catherine, Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication -
Desferrioxamine B vs. EDTA for improving the phytoextraction of metals by sunflower
Authors : Cornu Jean-Yves, Depernet Clément, Lenoble Véronique, Garnier C., Braud A., Lebeau T.,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2015 :
Evidencing the Impact of Coastal Contaminated Sediments on Mussels Through Pb Stable Isotopes Composition
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Schäfer Jörg, Brach-Papa Christophe, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Dutruch Lionel, Chiffoleau Jean Francois, Gonzalez Jean Louis, Blanc Gérard, Mullot Jean Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Assessment and modelling of Ni(II) retention by an ion-imprinted polymer: Application in natural samples
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Meouche Walid, Laatikainen Katri, Garnier Cédric, Brisset Hugues, Margaillan André, Branger Catherine,Read the publication -
Evaluation and modelling of dissolved organic matter reactivity toward As III and As V – Implication in environmental arsenic speciation
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Dang D.H., Loustau Cazalet M., Mounier S., Pfeifer H.-R., Garnier C.,Read the publication -
Seasonal variations of coastal sedimentary trace metals cycling: Insight on the effect of manganese and iron (oxy)hydroxides, sulphide and organic matter
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Organic carbon, and major and trace element dynamic and fate in a large river subjected to poorly-regulated urban and industrial pressures (Sebou River, Morocco)
Authors : Hayzoun H., Garnier C., Durrieu G., Lenoble Véronique, Le Poupon Christophe, Angeletti B, Ouammou A., Mounier S.,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2014 :
Sedimentary dynamics of coastal organic matter: An assessment of the porewater size/reactivity model by spectroscopic techniques
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Impact of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation on river sediment metal contamination
Authors : Hayzoun H., Garnier C., Durrieu G., Lenoble Véronique, Bancon-Montigny Chrystelle, Ouammou A., Mounier Stéphane,Read the publication -
Sources and historical record of tin and butyl-tin species in a Mediterranean bay (Toulon Bay, France)
Authors : Pougnet Frédérique, Schäfer Jörg, Dutruch Lionel, Garnier Cédric, Tessier Erwan, Dang Duc Huy, Lanceleur Laurent, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Lenoble Véronique, Blanc Gérard,Read the publication -
Key parameters controlling arsenic dynamics in coastal sediments: An analytical and modeling approach
Authors : Dang Duc Huy, Tessier Erwan, Lenoble Véronique, Durrieu Gaël, Omanović Dario, Mullot Jean Ulrich, Pfeifer Hans Rudolf, Mounier Stéphane, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
Physico-chemical Characterization of industrial effluents from Fez city
Authors : Hayzoun Hanane, Ouammou Abdelkrim, Mounier Stéphane, Lenoble Véronique, Garnier Cédric,Read the publication -
A Michaelis–Menten type equation for describing methylmercury dependence on inorganic mercury in aquatic sediments
Authors : Cossa Daniel, Garnier Cédric, Buscail Roselyne, Elbaz-Poulichet Françoise, Mikac Nevenka, Patel-Sorrentino Nathalie, Tessier Erwan, Rigaud Sylvain, Lenoble Véronique, Gobeil Charles,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2013 :
Trace metal and metalloid contamination levels in soils and in two native plant species of a former industrial site: Evaluation of the phytostabilization potential
Authors : Testiati Eti, Parinet Julien, Massiani Catherine, Laffont-Schwob Isabelle, Rabier Jacques, Pfeifer Hans-Rudolf, Lenoble Véronique, Masotti Véronique, Prudent Pascale,Read the publication -
Distribution and chemical speciation of arsenic and heavy metals in highly contaminated waters used for health care purposes (Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Omanović D, Garnier Cédric, Mounier Stéphane, Đonlagić N, Le Poupon Christophe, Pižeta I,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2012 :
Root-induced changes in pH and dissolved organic matter binding capacity affect copper dynamic speciation in the rhizosphere
Authors : Bravin Matthieu N., Garnier Cédric, Lenoble Véronique, Gérard Frédéric, Dudal Yves, Hinsinger Philippe,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2011 :
Strong chemical evidence for high Fe(II)-colloids and low As-bearing colloids (200 nm–10 kDa) contents in groundwater and flooded paddy fields in Bangladesh: A size fractionation approach
Authors : Garnier Jean-Marie, Charlotte Hurel, Garnier Jérémy, Lenoble Véronique, Garnier Cédric, Ahmed K. M., Rose Jérôme,Read the publication -
Study of the spatial and historical distribution of sediment inorganic contamination in the Toulon bay (France)
Authors : Tessier Erwan, Garnier Cédric, Mullot Jean-Ulrich, Lenoble Véronique, Arnaud Mireille, Raynaud Michel, Mounier Stéphane,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2010 :
Significance of data treatment and experimental setup on the determination of copper complexing parameters by anodic stripping voltammetry
Authors : Omanovic Dario, Garnier Cédric, Louis Yoann, Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Pižeta Ivanka,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2009 :
Kinetic and equilibrium studies of copper-dissolved organic matter complexation in water column of the stratified Krka River estuary (Croatia)
Authors : Louis Yoann, Garnier Cédric, Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Cukrov Neven, Omanović Dario, Pižeta Ivanka,Read the publication -
Characterisation and modelling of marine dissolved organic matter interactions with major and trace cations
Authors : Louis Yoann, Garnier Cédric, Lenoble Véronique, Omanovic Dario, Mounier Stéphane, Pižeta Ivanka,Read the publication -
Caractérisation de la Matière Organique Dissoute en zones estuariennes et marines peu eutrophisées
Authors : Louis Y., Durrieu Gaël, Zhao H., Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Garnier C., Omanovic D., Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Pizeta I.,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2008 :
Electrochemical study of major and trace metal interactions with concentrated marine dissolved organic matter
Authors : Louis Y., Garnier C., Lenoble Véronique, Omanovic D., Mounier Stéphane, Pizeta I.,Read the publication -
Speciation of trace metals in natural waters: The influence of an adsorbed layer of natural organic matter (NOM) on voltammetric behaviour of copper
Authors : Louis Yoann, Cmuk Petra, Omanovic Dario, Garnier Cédric, Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Pizeta Ivanka,Read the publication -
A study of organic matter-copper interactions in non-contamined estuary waters (Sibenik, Croatia) by kinetic and equilibrium approach
Authors : Louis Y., Garnier C., Lenoble Véronique, Omanovic D.,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2007 :
Combination of 13 C/ 113 Cd NMR, potentiometry, and voltammetry in characterizing the interactions between Cd and two models of the main components of soil organic matter
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Garnier Cédric, Masion Armand, Ziarelli F, Garnier Jean-Marie,Read the publication -
Pseudopolarography as a tool for complexation studies of trace metals with dissolved organic matter
Authors : Louis Y., Nicolau R., Lenoble Véronique, Mounier Stéphane, Omanovic D., Cmuk P., Pizeta I.,Read the publication -
Electrochemical behavior of copper complexes in model electrolyte solutions and natural waters
Authors : Louis Y., Cmuk P., Omanovic D., Garnier C., Lenoble Véronique, Pizeta I., Mounier Stéphane,Read the publication -
Analyse et modélisation des interactions Cation/métaux traces-Matière Organique Naturelle dissoute en milieu marin: intérêts de la pseudo-polarographie
Authors : Louis Y., Garnier C., Omanovic D., Pizeta I., Lenoble Véronique, Gonzalez J.-L., Mounier Stéphane,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2005 :
Arsenic removal by adsorption on iron(III) phosphate
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Laclautre Christelle, Deluchat Véronique, Serpaud Bernard, Bollinger Jean-Claude,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2004 :
As(V) retention and As(III) simultaneous oxidation and removal on a MnO2-loaded polystyrene resin
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Laclautre Christelle, Serpaud Bernard, Deluchat Véronique, Bollinger Jean-Claude,Read the publication -
Dynamic arsenic removal on a MnO2-loaded resin
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Chabroullet Christophe, Al Shukry Raad, Serpaud Bernard, Deluchat Véronique, Bollinger Jean-Claude,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2003 :
Elimination de l'Arsenic pour la production d'eau potable : oxydation chimique et adsorption sur des substrats solides innovants
Authors : Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication -
Arsenite oxidation and arsenate determination by the molybdene blue method
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Deluchat Véronique, Serpaud Bernard, Bollinger Jean-Claude,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2002 :
Arsenic Adsorption onto Pillared Clays and Iron Oxides
Authors : Lenoble Véronique, Bouras Omar, Deluchat Véronique, Serpaud Bernard, Bollinger Jean-Claude,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1996 :
Gallium behaviour in weathering profiles of Parana basin basalts, Brazil
Authors : Noack Y, Mathe Pe, Lenoble Véronique,Read the publication
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